Programming of Simulation, Analysis, and Learning (Data) Systems
(Semester 2 2024)

This course is designed to build understanding of programming, software architecture, and general software development in the context of mathematical, statistical, and data analysis applications. Students learn the basic elements of software development in the context of mathematics and data-science. The course teaches students how to implement algorithms from numerical mathematics, computer algebra systems, simulation, and data analysis. In any case, the work is done using solid software development practices that allow for organized maintainable and extendable software.

This is the 4-th offering of this course. You may also see previous years: 2023, 2022, 2021. Note that in previous years there was also a unit associated with machine learning, yet from this year this unit is removed to allow more time for programming basics at the start of the course (this also means that numbering of units has changed in comparison to previous years).

The course is aimed at students in their fourth semester (or above) of a mathematics degree. It assumes knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, elementary statistics, basic probability, and elementary concepts of discrete mathematics. It also assumes some prior experience in scientific/computational/statistical scripting, using languages such as R, MATLAB, Python, or similar. No specific detailed knowledge of such programming is assumed. However, it is assumed that students have seen code, variables, loops, conditionals, and similar constructs previously. Nevertheless, from this year onwards the first unit of the course provides a very gentle introduction to elementary computer programming ideas.

Students that have only scripted minimally or have hardly scripted at all prior to MATH2504 may consider preparing for the course prior to its start. One option for this is following material as in the SMP Programming Boot Camp. However, such preparation is only optional as the course provides plenty of support practicals to help students catch up.

The bulk of MATH2504 is taught by industry professionals, with this year's lecturers being Dr. Paul Bellette and Dr. Claire Foster. The course was also previously taught by industry professional Dr. Andy Ferris, whom is still involved with course construction. A part of the course is also taught by Dr. Paul Vrbik and supporting videos for algebra are by Dr. Sam Hambleton. The course coordinator is Associate Prof. Yoni Nazarathy (y.nazarathy@uq.edu.au). He is also an industry professional for 60% of his time (outside of the course and other UQ work). Two of the tutors are also industry professionals.

There are also guest perspective seminars by industry professionals. This year the speakers are Dr. Megan Dawson and Dr. Maithili Mehta.

The tutors for this year are Isaac Beh, Limao Chang, Cooper Janke, Lief Lundmark, Jack Litfin, Brandon Lowe, Tina Moghaddam, and Dr. Zhihao Qiao.

The focus of the course is programming of systems that involve mathematics and mathematical modelling. This includes the interface of mathematical principles and a programming language as well as tooling and the experience of using solid basic practices that lead to organized and efficient code. It is not a course about a specific programming language. Nevertheless one language needs to be used and studied. The language for this course is the Julia language. Julia is a modern compiled programming language that in many ways is easy to work with, similarly to other scripting languages. However, Julia also allows one to create very efficient code. In general, the Julia language and the surrounding eco-system focuses on scientific computing and mathematics, and hence it is a good fit for this course.

The course content is broken into 8 study units and 5 items of assessment, details of which are described below. The course is delivered via weekly lectures which include three hours per week. The lectures involve both live demonstrations and theory. There are also 2 (guest) one hour perspective seminars. These perspective seminars are aimed at presenting students with further insights about mathematicians and statisticians working with software in industry.

There are also weekly practicals of two types: standard practicals (PRA1) and support practicals (PRA2). Standard practicals cover core material associated with assessment at the base level of the course, while support practicals are a means to offer support to students dealing with more basic issues regarding assessments. It is recommended for all students to attend the standard practicals. For students that have less programming background or require extra help with assignments it is recommended to attend one or more of the support practicals. In any case, since practicals are two hours long, it is recommended to use the practical time to receive help from the tutors for assessment tasks. Practicals are scheduled on most weeks including the first week. See the schedule below. The standard practicals involve both content delivery (see practical notebooks A-G), not-for-credit class exercises, and some time to work on assessment. The support practicals are merely a time for students to receive help from the tutors in reinforcing course material and basics.

Here is an informal introduction to the course:

Key Links

Pillars of Study and Goals

There are 4 main pillars of study in this course:

  1. The use of a variety of features of a programing language (Julia in this case).
  2. Technical tools such as: Unix, git, IDEs, Jupyter.
  3. Mathematical and statistical algorithmic concepts, their theoretical analysis, and implementation.
  4. Solid software development practices - with a view towards employability.
The lectures, perspective lectures, practicals, and online tutor support all aim to help the students build up these pillars of study, with the 6 assessment items serving as goals.

Ideally, after completion of this course a student will have the ability to continue self study of software and programming concepts after getting a 'jump-start' via this course. The student would ideally be able to work independently on projects for more advanced third and fourth year courses, and/or produce efficient code as part of Honours or higher degree research. Importantly, the student would have tools for contributing to open sourced projects, startup-teams, and be hirable in analytic software focused jobs in industry.

Clearly a one semester course cannot transform a mathematician into a software engineer, however it is hoped that through the course content, students will be able to further themselves on such a path if needed.

Study Units

The course is composed of the following 8 study units. Each of the units feeds most of the pillars of study. The early units build up basic Julia, computer science, and tooling knowledge (mostly pillars 1 and 2), whereas the later units focus on deeper mathematical stories, mostly feeding pillars 3 and 4. Specifically with respect to pillar 3 (mathematical and statistical algorithmic concepts), there are four main concepts: numerical mathematics and ODEs (Unit 4), computer algebra systems (Unit 6), Monte Carlo and discrete event simulation (Unit 7), and data processing (Unit 8). Clearly some of these concepts are often taught (often at greater depth) in other specialized courses. However in this course, the focus is software implementation.

Here is detail of the content of each of the Units:


These are the 5 assessment items. The first 4 are due during semester and worked on progressively during the course. The last item is due during the final exam period. The course does not have a final exam. BigHW and Project 2 are to be worked on in pairs (or groups of 3 in special cases). The other items are individual.

The mark for the weakest of the projects will be replaced by the average of the other two projects. Further, UQ course grades are at the levels 7, 6, 5, etc. To obtain a grade of 6 or 7, a student must complete and pass all three projects. In addition, to obtain a grade of 7 a student must get 60% or above on the quiz. Note that from a UQ course profile perspective, Projects 1, 2, and 3 are considered as a "series".

See submission instructions below.


This is the general weekly schedule:

Note that lectures are also streamed via Zoom.

Here is the schedule listing the lecturers, units of study, practical activity per week, and assessment. As an aid, also see the 2024 UQ Calendar.

Week Monday
Assessment Due
Consultation Hour
1 Jul-22 Unit 1 (YN*) Unit 1 (YN) Unit 1 (YN) A YN
2 Jul-29 Unit 1 (YN) Seminar (MD) Practice
3 Aug-5 Unit 2 (PB) Unit 2 (PB) Unit 2 (PB) B PB, YN
4 Aug-12 Unit 2 (PB) Unit 3 (PB) Unit 3 (PB) C PB, YN
5 Aug-19 Unit 3 (PB) Unit 3 (PB) Unit 4 (PB) D PB, YN
6 Aug-26 Unit 4 (PB) Unit 4 (PB) Unit 5 (CF) - - BigHW PB, YN
7 Sep-2 Unit 5 (CF) Unit 5 (CF) Quiz E CF, YN
8 Sep-9 Unit 6 (PV) Unit 6 (PV) Unit 6 (PV) E PV, YN
9 Sep-16 Unit 6 (PV) Unit 6 (PV) Unit 6 (PV) - - Project 1 PV, YN
10 Sep-30 Unit 7 (CF) Unit 7 (CF) Unit 7 (CF) F CF, YN
11 Oct-7 - - Unit 7 (CF) F CF, YN
12 Oct-14 Unit 7 (CF) Unit 8 (CF) Seminar (MM) - - Project 2 CF, YN
13 Oct-21 Unit 8 (CF) Unit 8 (CF) Unit 8 (CF) G CF, YN
Exam period Project 3
(Due Nov 14)
(Oct 28,
Nov 5,
Nov 11)

* All four lecturers, PB, CF, PV, and YN are introduced in the first lecture.

Standard Practicals

There are 9 standard practicals (A-I) in total and this is a description of each practical.

Support Practicals

Students may choose to join support practicals (PRA2) in addition to the standard practicals. If scheduling allows students may even join more than one such practical. In the support practicals a tutor helps the students with individual questions related to the course material or assessments. These practicals also offer a place for working on the (non-quiz) assessments with an experienced tutor available.

Assessment Submission instructions

Here are some notes regarding hand-in:

Software Installation

It is recommended that you have the following on your machine:

From week 1 (or prior): From week 3 (or prior): This is the 2024 video that describes installation of Julia:

This is the slightly older video that describes installation of Julia and IJulia (see video above first):

With the software installed, please bring your laptop to practicals (and ideally to the lectures). In exceptional circumstances, where you plan to attend a face to face practical and cannot bring your laptop, you may install Julia and the associated software on the Windows desktop machines available in the practical classroom. This is a workable solution but is not ideal. The installation may take several minutes and it is not guaranteed that it will remain on the machine over time. Hence whenever possible, bring your laptop.

Additional Resources

Here are additional resources that may be of use for the course (or for introductory Julia programming in general). None of these are mandatory as there are plenty of examples in the lecture units and practicals. That is, it is recommended that you try running every bit of code from the lectures and practicals, investigate it, look at the Julia help to explore. Nevertheless, you may find some of these additional resources helpful as well:

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