Julia Language Resources for MATH7502

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The official programming language used in this course is Julia. We will be using version 1.4, but other versions can also be used. The usage will typically involve simple straight forward computations and will often involve using the built-in LinearAlgebra package. We will also use Plots.jl as well as a few other common external packages.

There are many resources for learning how to use Julia. Here are some recommendations: It is recommended that you have Julia installed on your machine. You can use JuliaPro, and/or Jupyter notebooks using IJulia. Most of the lectures and tutorials will be executed using Jupyter notebooks. Any other way of running Julia is also ok. There are multiple resources on the web for installation instructions, one resource you can use is to follow the links from this YouTube video (and related presentation with links to installation video instructions on slide #2.)

Class Julia materials will be uploaded to the course's GitHub repo.