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Assignment 4
There are more questions below than what you need to hand in. You choose, which ones to hand in.
Submit for marking a total of 15 solutions to questions (not more). Of the questions that you hand in, 13 need to be analytically solved (handwritten or typeset) and 2 need to be Mathematica based questions.
Each analytic question weights 6pts/100; each Mathematica based question weighs 11pts/100.
In your hand-in, please try and order the questions in ascending order. Also, for each question please try to note both the number of the question as appearing below as well as the example number. It is best if you place the Mathematica based questions last, making sure to submit both Mathematica code and output.
From Unit 5, 6 (and a peak into 7):
- All of the questions from this assignment are in this extra set containing questions (a) -- (s) .
Mathematica based exercises: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 83.