To introduce things say you have an array of values and want to find the maximal value. How would you do it? Here is some Julia code:
using Random function find_max(data) max_value = -Inf for x in data if x > max_value max_value = x end end return max_value end Random.seed!(0) data = rand(100) max_value = find_max(data) println("Found maximal value: $(max_value)")
Found maximal value: 0.9972781130627076
Here is a question: How many times was a new maximum found?
Let's count.
using Random function find_max(data) max_value = -Inf n = 0 for x in data if x > max_value n = n+1 max_value = x end end return max_value, n end Random.seed!(0) data = rand(100) max_value, n = find_max(data) println("Found maximal value: $(max_value)") println("There were $n records along the way.")
Found maximal value: 0.9972781130627076 There were 7 records along the way.
But for different data (different seed) obviously there are a different number of possible records...
Random.seed!(1) data = rand(100) max_value, n = find_max(data) println("Found maximal value: $(max_value)") println("There were $n records along the way.")
Found maximal value: 0.9894764460236303 There were 10 records along the way.
How many on average? Denote the number of records for $n$ data points by $X_n$ then,
\[ X_n = I_1 + I_2 + \ldots + I_n, \]
\[ I_i = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if}~i~\text{'th data point is a record}, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \]
\[ {\mathbb E}[X_n] = {\mathbb E}[I_1] + {\mathbb E}[I_2] + \ldots + {\mathbb E}[I_n]. \]
Observe that ${\mathbb E}[I_i] = {\mathbb P}(I_i = 1)$ and for statistically independent and identically distributed data points we have,
\[ {\mathbb P}(I_i = 1) = \frac{1}{i}, \]
\[ {\mathbb E}[X_n] = h_n = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{i}, \]
the harmonic sum. It is known that
\[ h_n = \log(n) + \gamma + o(1), \]
where $\gamma$ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant and $o(1)$ is a term that vanishes as $n \to \infty$. That is
\[ h_n \approx \log(n) + \gamma. \]
Let's see it...
using Plots println("γ = ",Float64(MathConstants.γ)) #\gamma + [TAB] h(n) = sum(1/i for i in 1:n) approx_h(n) = log(n) + MathConstants.γ for n in 1:10 println(n, "\t", h(n), "\t", approx_h(n) ) end err = [h(n) - approx_h(n) for n in 1:20] scatter(1:20,err,xticks=1:20,xlabel="n",ylabel = "Error",ylim = (0,0.5), legend=false)
γ = 0.5772156649015329 1 1.0 0.5772156649015329 2 1.5 1.2703628454614782 3 1.8333333333333333 1.6758279535696428 4 2.083333333333333 1.9635100260214235 5 2.283333333333333 2.1866535773356333 6 2.4499999999999997 2.3689751341295877 7 2.5928571428571425 2.523125813956846 8 2.7178571428571425 2.6566572065813685 9 2.8289682539682537 2.7744402422377523 10 2.9289682539682538 2.8798007578955787
Here is a Monte Carlo estimate and a histogram of the distribution:
using Statistics records = [] for s in 1:10^5 Random.seed!(s) data = rand(100) _, n = find_max(data) push!(records,n) end println("log(100) + γ = $(approx_h(100)), Monte Carlo Estimate: $(mean(records))") histogram(records,ticks = 1:maximum(records),normed=true,xlabel="n",ylabel="probability",legend=false)
log(100) + γ = 5.182385850889625, Monte Carlo Estimate: 5.19232
Here is some general information to discuss before getting to the nitty gritty.
You are coming to this course after doing several mathematics and statistics courses. Hence we assume you have already done some coding or scripting of sorts. For example you might have done a bit of Python, some MATLAB scripting, used some code in R, or similar. In all these cases, we assume that you've already experienced a bit of the following:
You have written some commands/code that are later interpreted by the computer to execute actions.
You are aware that in a computer program you typically define variables; often giving them meaningful names.
You know that you can make computers do the same action again and again, by wrapping code in loops, often using conditional statements (if
) to decide how the program should continue.
You have even used and/or written a few functions (or routines) where you specify how some action should be done and describe that action in a function.
You certainly know how to use files, directories, and the internet.
Finally, you are also somewhat of a mathematician. You have done courses such as STAT1301 (first year stats), MATH1071 (Analysis + Linear Algebra) + MATH1072 (Mutivariable Calculus + some modelling) + several more math electives.
Wikipedia says this about a computer:
A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.
We can live with this definition. Here are some notes and bits.
Most computers today implement some form of the von Neumann architecture. It means there are processing units (CPUs), memory, external (slower) storage, and multiple input out mechanisms. There are multiple forms to this but in most cases the following components exist:
A set of instructions is executed via hardware. The instructions are sometimes themselves encoded in hardware, but are often written in software and can be changed.
There is memory, and often multiple forms of memory. Fast memory near the CPU (cache), RAM (Random Access Memory) allowing the CPU to compute, disk memory, and even more memory (almost infinite) on the internet.
There are often higher order abstractions that organize the way instructions are executed by the CPU(s). This is typically an operating system (Linux, Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, etc...).
You should also know of the conceptual mathematical model of a computer which is typically the Turing machine. The nice thing about such an abstraction is that it often helps understand what and how certain algorithms operate, as well as their limitations. There are also related computer theoretic notions such as Finite Automata. We don't get too much into such computer science/discrete math notions in the course. However, it is very interesting stuff, that lies at the centre of mathematics and computer science.
Two software aphorisms to consider as you progress:
"code is read much more often than it is written"
"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things"
Some general observations of the teething difficulties of working in software as a mathematician:
Big complaint of software engineers interacting with mathematicians is "black box of code that isn't easy to follow".
In academia, code is an artifact of doing research work. Outside academia code is the output.
If code was treated like writing a paper (or was a research output valued by itself), this transition would be smoother.
Mathematicians can bring value at many levels of an organisation, as you will be interacting with a diverse set of people. Communication skills are important, so treat code as one way of communicating.
A bit is either $0$ or $1$. A byte is a sequence of $8$ bits. Hence there are $2^8 = 256$ options.
If you use a byte to encode an integer, then one option is the range $0,1,2,\ldots,255$. This is called an unsigned integer, or UInt8
in Julia.
Another option is the range $-127,\ldots,128$ (still $256$ possibilities) and this is called an Int8
println("Unsigned 8 bit integers\n") println("Number \t Binary \tHex") for n in 0:255 if n ≤ 18 || n ≥ 250 #\le + [TAB], \ge + [TAB] println(n, ":\t", bitstring(UInt8(n)), "\t", string(n, base = 16)) elseif n ∈ 19:21 #in(n,19:21) \in + [TAB] println("\t .") end end
Unsigned 8 bit integers Number Binary Hex 0: 00000000 0 1: 00000001 1 2: 00000010 2 3: 00000011 3 4: 00000100 4 5: 00000101 5 6: 00000110 6 7: 00000111 7 8: 00001000 8 9: 00001001 9 10: 00001010 a 11: 00001011 b 12: 00001100 c 13: 00001101 d 14: 00001110 e 15: 00001111 f 16: 00010000 10 17: 00010001 11 18: 00010010 12 . . . 250: 11111010 fa 251: 11111011 fb 252: 11111100 fc 253: 11111101 fd 254: 11111110 fe 255: 11111111 ff
println("Signed 8 bit integers (observe the sign bit)\n") println("Number \t Binary") for n in -128:127 if n ∈ -128:-120 || n ∈ -5:5 || n ∈ 125:127 println(n, ":\t", bitstring(Int8(n))) elseif n ∈ union(-119:-117,6:8) println("\t .") end end
Signed 8 bit integers (observe the sign bit) Number Binary -128: 10000000 -127: 10000001 -126: 10000010 -125: 10000011 -124: 10000100 -123: 10000101 -122: 10000110 -121: 10000111 -120: 10001000 . . . -5: 11111011 -4: 11111100 -3: 11111101 -2: 11111110 -1: 11111111 0: 00000000 1: 00000001 2: 00000010 3: 00000011 4: 00000100 5: 00000101 . . . 125: 01111101 126: 01111110 127: 01111111
Base $16$, called hexadecimal is very common. One hexadecimal character uses four bits. The prefix notation 0x
prior to the digits often indicates a number is represented as hexadecimal. The digit symbols
using LaTeXStrings, Random println("The digits:") print("Hex:\t") [print(string(n, base = 16), n<10 ? " " : " ") for n in 0:15]; println() print("Decimal:") data = [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF] [print(n, " ") for n in data]; println("\n\nSome random values:") Random.seed!(1) for _ in 1:5 x = rand(UInt8) println("In decimal (base 10): $x,\t In hex (base 16): $(string(x,base=16))") end
The digits: Hex: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f Decimal:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Some random values: In decimal (base 10): 18, In hex (base 16): 12 In decimal (base 10): 89, In hex (base 16): 59 In decimal (base 10): 178, In hex (base 16): b2 In decimal (base 10): 160, In hex (base 16): a0 In decimal (base 10): 234, In hex (base 16): ea
You can also use the prefix notation 0b
to denote binary
x = 11 @show (x == 0b1011) @show (x == 0xB);
x == 0x0b = true x == 0x0b = true
You can do arithmetic on any base. Specifically for hex and binary.
println("10 + 6 = ", 0xa + 0x6) println("16*2 = ", 0x10 * 0b10)
10 + 6 = 16 16*2 = 32
Sometimes you need to keep in mind that types have a finite range and arithmetic will wrap around.
println("Wrap-around of unsigned integers") x = UInt8(255) @show x println("Adding 1: ", x + UInt8(1), "\n") println("Wrap-around of signed integers") x = Int8(127) @show x println("Adding 1: ", x + Int8(1), "\n" ) println("A \"Normal\" integer") x = UInt(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) #Note that UInt = UInt64 on 64 bit computers @show x println("Adding 1: ", x + 1, "\n")
Wrap-around of unsigned integers x = 0xff Adding 1: 0 Wrap-around of signed integers x = 127 Adding 1: -128 A "Normal" integer x = 0xffffffffffffffff Adding 1: 0
Why does this occur? A useful exercise is to examine how addition can be implemented purely using logical operations (as occurs in hardware). Consider the following code
half_adder(a::T, b::T) where {T <: Bool} = (xor(a,b), a & b) function full_adder(a::T, b::T, carry::T) where {T<:Bool} (s, carry_a) = half_adder(carry, a) (s, carry_b) = half_adder(s, b) return (s, carry_a | carry_b) end function add_n_digits(a::T, b::T, n) where {T <: Int} #calculate y = a + b using array indexing and logic operations #convert to a vector of booleans a_bool = digits(Bool, a, base = 2, pad = n) b_bool = digits(Bool, b, base = 2, pad = n) y_bool = fill(Bool(0), n) carry = false for i = 1 : n (y_bool[i], carry) = full_adder(a_bool[i], b_bool[i], carry) end return y_bool, a_bool, b_bool end #turn boolean array back into a string display_bool_array(y) = join(reverse(Int.(y)), "") a = 1 b = 1 y_bool, a_bool, b_bool = add_n_digits(a, b, 16) println("adding $a + $b") println("a = $(display_bool_array(a_bool))") println("b = $(display_bool_array(b_bool))") println("y = $(display_bool_array(y_bool))", "\n") a = 1 b = 2^16 - 1 #biggest 16 bit UInt y_bool, a_bool, b_bool = add_n_digits(a, b, 16) println("adding $a + $b") println("a = $(display_bool_array(a_bool))") println("b = $(display_bool_array(b_bool))") println("y = $(display_bool_array(y_bool))", "\n")
adding 1 + 1 a = 0000000000000001 b = 0000000000000001 y = 0000000000000010 adding 1 + 65535 a = 0000000000000001 b = 1111111111111111 y = 0000000000000000
It is a useful exercise to consider how an equivalent logic based approach might work for other seemingly simple operations such as multiplication. Also, consider how many discrete operations are required, as the size of the binary representation increases.
Binary data considered as a string can often appear as hex.
data_as_string = "AB0352500FCC" #48 bits data_as_binary = hex2bytes(data_as_string) @show data_as_binary;
data_as_binary = UInt8[0xab, 0x03, 0x52, 0x50, 0x0f, 0xcc]
Bit shift operations are efficient and allow you to multiply or divide by powers of 2.
x = 0b101 @show x @show bitstring(x) @show x << 3 @show bitstring(x << 3) println() x = 2^4 @show x @show 2x @show x << 1 @show x/2 @show x//2 @show x >> 1
x = 0x05 bitstring(x) = "00000101" x << 3 = 0x28 bitstring(x << 3) = "00101000" x = 16 2x = 32 x << 1 = 32 x / 2 = 8.0 x // 2 = 8//1 x >> 1 = 8 8
The sizeof()
a variable.
x = Int8(120) @show x, sizeof(x) x = 120 @show x, sizeof(x) x = "hello" @show x, sizeof(x) x = "h" @show x, sizeof(x) x = "α" @show x, sizeof(x) x = ones(UInt8,1000) @show sizeof(x) x = 2.3 @show sizeof(x) x = ones(1000) @show sizeof(x) ;
(x, sizeof(x)) = (120, 1) (x, sizeof(x)) = (120, 8) (x, sizeof(x)) = ("hello", 5) (x, sizeof(x)) = ("h", 1) (x, sizeof(x)) = ("α", 2) sizeof(x) = 1000 sizeof(x) = 8 sizeof(x) = 8000
We start by discussing Julia and a simple "Hello World" example and then continue to three stories which help us explore various aspects of Julia:
Square Roots (first story).
Factorials (second story).
String manipulation (third story).
"Hello World" Taken from SWJ book
Julia as a language (community, history, and motivation...)
Running from a file from the command line. (Demonstration).
The Read Evaluate Print Loop REPL. (Demonstration).
Jupyter (Demonstration).
# Hello World! println("There is more than one way to say hello:") # This is an array consisting of three strings helloArray = ["Hello","G'day","Shalom"] for i in 1:3 println("\t", helloArray[i], " World!") end println("\nThese squares are just perfect:") # This construct is called a 'comprehension' (or 'list comprehension') squares = [i^2 for i in 0:10] # You can loop on elements of arrays without having to use indexing for s in squares print(" ",s) end println() # The last line of every code snippet is also evaluated as output (in addition to # any figures and printing output generated previously). sqrt.(squares)
There is more than one way to say hello: Hello World! G'day World! Shalom World! These squares are just perfect: 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 11-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Variables (also complex types)
Types (basic story about types)
Many methods for the one function
The Babylonian algorithm
Broadcasting as well
The "quakeIII" algorithm for the reciprocal of square root Float32
x = sqrt(2) @show x, x^2 x = sqrt(2f0) #32 bit float (Float32) @show x, x^2
(x, x ^ 2) = (1.4142135623730951, 2.0000000000000004) (x, x ^ 2) = (1.4142135f0, 1.9999999f0) (1.4142135f0, 1.9999999f0)
ERROR: DomainError with -1.0: sqrt was called with a negative real argument but will only return a complex result if called with a complex argument. Try sqrt(Complex(x)).
0.0 + 1.0im
√2 #\sqrt + [TAB]
In Julia a function (such as sqrt
or its alias √
) can have many methods:
using InteractiveUtils @which sqrt(2)sqrt(x::Real) in Base.Math at math.jl:1575
@which sqrt(2.0)sqrt(x::Union{Float32, Float64}) in Base.Math at math.jl:685
@which sqrt(π*im) #\pi + [Tab]sqrt(z::Complex) in Base at complex.jl:527
What if we wanted to apply square root to several/many elements together? It is common to use the .
broadcast operator.
data = [i^2 for i in 0:10] sqrt.(data) # The "." broadcating operator
11-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
How can we compute the square root if we didn't have the sqrt()
function? Of course one answer is to use another in-built alternative:
x = 36 @show x^0.5
x ^ 0.5 = 6.0 6.0
But how is such an algorithm implemented? In Julia's source code, in math.jl
you'll find the following in lines 566-569:
@inline function sqrt(x::Union{Float32,Float64})
x < zero(x) && throw_complex_domainerror(:sqrt, x)
Here sqrt_llvm()
compiles to Low Level Virtual Machine(LLVM), so while many functions in Julia are actually implemented in Julia, with square roots it is better to let the underlying low level (LLVM) code handle square roots because it is later changed to assembly code; which is very fast. You can inspect this via the macros @code_llvm
and @code_native
This will generally look the same on different computer types (LLVM is hardware agnostic):
@code_llvm sqrt(2.5)
; @ math.jl:685 within `sqrt` define double @julia_sqrt_1621(double %0) #0 { top: ; @ math.jl:686 within `sqrt` ; ┌ @ float.jl:536 within `<` %1 = fcmp uge double %0, 0.000000e+00 ; └ br i1 %1, label %L5, label %L3 L3: ; preds = %top call void @j_throw_complex_domainerror_1623({}* inttoptr (i64 4465458040 to {}*), double %0) #10 unreachable L5: ; preds = %top ; @ math.jl:687 within `sqrt` %2 = call double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %0) ret double %2 }
This will look different for different computer types (cpus):
@code_native sqrt(2.5)
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 14, 0 .globl _julia_sqrt_1632 ## -- Begin function julia_sqrt_163 2 .p2align 4, 0x90 _julia_sqrt_1632: ## @julia_sqrt_1632 ; ┌ @ math.jl:685 within `sqrt` ## %bb.0: ## %top vxorpd xmm1, xmm1, xmm1 ; │ @ math.jl:686 within `sqrt` ; │┌ @ float.jl:536 within `<` vucomisd xmm1, xmm0 ; │└ ja LBB0_2 ## %bb.1: ## %L5 ; │ @ math.jl:687 within `sqrt` vsqrtsd xmm0, xmm0, xmm0 ret LBB0_2: ## %L3 sub rsp, 8 ; │ @ math.jl:686 within `sqrt` movabs rax, offset _j_throw_complex_domainerror_1634 movabs rdi, 4465458040 call rax ; └ ## -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
However, what if we wanted to do square roots via software? For example,
What are (in principle) some methods to compute square roots? Let's look at them and implement them.
One method is the Babylonian algorithm: Say we are given a positive real number $z$ and want its square root. We start with an initial guess $x_0$. We then apply the recursive step,
\[ x_{k+1} = \frac{1}{2}\Big(x_k+\frac{z}{x_k}\Big). \]
That is, at each step the next iterate is the arithmetic mean of the previous iterate, $x_k$, and $z/x_k$. The Babylonian algorithm runs this iteration until convergence (note the default initial guess in this implementation is $z/2$):
function bab_sqrt(z ; init_x = z/2, verbose = false, tol = 1e-10) x = init_x while true verbose && println("Babylonian iterate: $x") next_x = 0.5*(x + z / x) abs(next_x - x) < tol && break x = next_x end x end bs, s = bab_sqrt(5000;verbose = true), sqrt(5000) println("Babylonian:\t$bs\nSystem:\t\t$s")
Babylonian iterate: 2500.0 Babylonian iterate: 1251.0 Babylonian iterate: 627.4984012789769 Babylonian iterate: 317.7332745349828 Babylonian iterate: 166.7348720428981 Babylonian iterate: 98.36130004862623 Babylonian iterate: 74.59715020033856 Babylonian iterate: 70.81191968888325 Babylonian iterate: 70.71075049245557 Babylonian iterate: 70.71067811869179 Babylonian: 70.71067811869179 System: 70.71067811865476
We can view the ancient Babylonian method as an application of the more general Newton's method for solving equations. Our goal is to solve $x^2 = z$ where $z$ is given and $x$ is desired. That is define $f(x) = x^2 - z$ and we wish to find the solution of $f(x) = 0$. Newton's method iterates,
\[ x_{k+1} = x_k - \frac{f(x_k)}{f'(x_k)}, \]
based on an affine (linear) approximation of $f(\cdot)$ at the point $x_k$. Here $f'(\cdot)$ is the derivative, which in our case is $f'(x) = 2x$. So Newton's iterates for finding the square root are,
\[ x_{k+1} = x_k - \frac{x_k^2-z}{2 x_k} = \frac{x_k}{2} + \frac{z}{2x_k} = \frac{1}{2}\Big(x_k+\frac{z}{x_k}\Big). \]
Sometimes we are not just interested in computing the $\sqrt{z}$, but rather,
\[ \frac{1}{\sqrt{z}}. \]
A common case for that is when we have a vector, say $u = [u_1, u_2]$ and we wish to create the normalized (unit $L_2$ norm) vector,
\[ \overline{u} = \frac{1}{\|u\|} u = \frac{1}{\sqrt{u_1^2 + u_2^2}} u. \]
We could obviously just compute the reciprocal $1/\sqrt{z}$ by dividing by $1$, for example in the case of the vector normalization we can do this in Julia in multiple ways:
using LinearAlgebra u = [1,1] #A vector pointing in a 45 degree angle up. uN1 = normalize(u) #Julia has a function for this in linear algebra. @show uN1 uN2 = u/norm(u) #Here we do it via the norm() function @show uN2 uN3 = u/sqrt(u'u) # Note that u'u = u_1^2 + u_2^2 (the inner product) @show uN3 uN4 = u/sqrt(u[1]^2 + u[2]^2) @show uN4 uN5 = u/sqrt(dot(u,u)) @show uN5;
uN1 = [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865475] uN2 = [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865475] uN3 = [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865475] uN4 = [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865475] uN5 = [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865475]
However for the interest of it, lets consider another way to do it which is specific for 32bit floating point numbers: The Fast Inverse Square Root Algorithm. This is how the original code appeared in the C Language.
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y; // evil floating point bit level hacking
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 ); // what the f___?
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 1st iteration
// y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) ); // 2nd iteration, this can be removed
return y;
Here is the equivalent code in Julia.
function fast_inv_sqrt(number::Float32) x2 = number*Float32(0.5) #reinterpret the float32 number to a 32 bit unsigned integer i = reinterpret(UInt32, number) #do WTF magic i = 0x5F3759Df - (i >> 1) #reinterpet back into a float32 y = reinterpret(Float32, i) #do an iteration of newtons method from a good first guess y = y * (Float32(1.5) - (x2 * y^2)) return y end x = Float32(4.0) y = fast_inv_sqrt(x) print("1/√(4) ≈ $(y)")
1/√(4) ≈ 0.49915358
Click the image below to watch a video with a detailed explanation of the algorithm:
The Gamma function
Accuracy of the Stirling approximation (will use arrays also for plotting)
A few basic ways to compute $10! = 1\cdot 2 \cdot \ldots \cdot 10$:
f_a = factorial(10) @show f_a f_b = *(1:10...) @show f_b f_c = last(accumulate(*,1:10)) @show f_c f_d = 1 for i in 1:10 global f_d *= i end @show f_d;
f_a = 3628800 f_b = 3628800 f_c = 3628800 f_d = 3628800
Observe that,
\[ n! = \begin{cases} n \cdot (n-1)! & n = 1,2,\ldots\\ 1 & n = 0. \end{cases} \]
This is a recursive definition. Let's implement it:
function my_factorial(n) if n == 0 return 1 else return n * my_factorial(n-1) end end my_factorial(10)
Let's see what happens with this recursion:
function my_factorial(n) println("Calling my_factorial($n)") if n == 0 ret_val = 1 else ret_val = n * my_factorial(n-1) end println("Returning from the call of my_factorial($n)") ret_val end my_factorial(10)
Calling my_factorial(10) Calling my_factorial(9) Calling my_factorial(8) Calling my_factorial(7) Calling my_factorial(6) Calling my_factorial(5) Calling my_factorial(4) Calling my_factorial(3) Calling my_factorial(2) Calling my_factorial(1) Calling my_factorial(0) Returning from the call of my_factorial(0) Returning from the call of my_factorial(1) Returning from the call of my_factorial(2) Returning from the call of my_factorial(3) Returning from the call of my_factorial(4) Returning from the call of my_factorial(5) Returning from the call of my_factorial(6) Returning from the call of my_factorial(7) Returning from the call of my_factorial(8) Returning from the call of my_factorial(9) Returning from the call of my_factorial(10) 3628800
You can also use the stracktrace()
Here is the my_factorial()
function (written compactly).
my_factorial(n) = n == 0 ? 1 : n*my_factorial(n-1) my_factorial(10)
Such compact writing does not change what actually happens under the hood. To see this consider both forms:
my_factorial1(n) = n == 0 ? 1 : n*my_factorial1(n-1) function my_factorial2(n) if n == 0 return 1 else return n * my_factorial2(n-1) end end
my_factorial2 (generic function with 1 method)
And use Julia's @code_lowered
macro to see how Julia parses the code into an intermediate representation (before being further compiled to LLVM). In both forms we get the exact same intermediate form.
@code_lowered my_factorial1(10)
CodeInfo( 1 ─ %1 = n == 0 └── goto #3 if not %1 2 ─ return 1 3 ─ %4 = n - 1 │ %5 = Main.my_factorial1(%4) │ %6 = n * %5 └── return %6 )
@code_lowered my_factorial2(10)
CodeInfo( 1 ─ %1 = n == 0 └── goto #3 if not %1 2 ─ return 1 3 ─ %4 = n - 1 │ %5 = Main.my_factorial2(%4) │ %6 = n * %5 └── return %6 )
How large can factorials we compute be? With BigInt
, created via big()
, there is sometimes no limit, but if we wanted to stay within the machine word size, we stay with Int64
(with Julia Int
is either Int32
on "32 bit machines" or Int64
on "64 bit machines). But even 32 bit machines support 64 bit integers (by doubling words).
Lets first use Stirling's approximation to get an estimate of the largest factorial we can compute with UInt64
\[ n! \sim \sqrt{2 \pi} \, n^{n+\frac{1}{2}} e^{-n} \]
To see the approximation isn't unreasonable, observe that $n! \le n^n$ (why?) but isn't so far either.
#An array of named tuples (note that "n!" is just a name) [(n! = factorial(n), n2n = n^n, ratio = factorial(n)/(n^n)) for n in 1:10]
10-element Vector{@NamedTuple{n!::Int64, n2n::Int64, ratio::Float64}}: (n! = 1, n2n = 1, ratio = 1.0) (n! = 2, n2n = 4, ratio = 0.5) (n! = 6, n2n = 27, ratio = 0.2222222222222222) (n! = 24, n2n = 256, ratio = 0.09375) (n! = 120, n2n = 3125, ratio = 0.0384) (n! = 720, n2n = 46656, ratio = 0.015432098765432098) (n! = 5040, n2n = 823543, ratio = 0.006119899021666143) (n! = 40320, n2n = 16777216, ratio = 0.00240325927734375) (n! = 362880, n2n = 387420489, ratio = 0.000936656708416885) (n! = 3628800, n2n = 10000000000, ratio = 0.00036288)
The other $\sqrt{n} e^{-n}$ factor of $n$ in Stirling, corrects for this and $\sqrt{2 \pi}$ is a constant.
stirling(n) = (√(2π*n))*(n/MathConstants.e)^n [( n! = factorial(n), stirling = stirling(n), ratio = round(factorial(n)/stirling(n),digits = 5)) for n in 1:10]
10-element Vector{@NamedTuple{n!::Int64, stirling::Float64, ratio::Float64} }: (n! = 1, stirling = 0.9221370088957891, ratio = 1.08444) (n! = 2, stirling = 1.9190043514889832, ratio = 1.04221) (n! = 6, stirling = 5.836209591345864, ratio = 1.02806) (n! = 24, stirling = 23.506175132893294, ratio = 1.02101) (n! = 120, stirling = 118.0191679575901, ratio = 1.01678) (n! = 720, stirling = 710.078184642185, ratio = 1.01397) (n! = 5040, stirling = 4980.395831612462, ratio = 1.01197) (n! = 40320, stirling = 39902.39545265671, ratio = 1.01047) (n! = 362880, stirling = 359536.87284194835, ratio = 1.0093) (n! = 3628800, stirling = 3.5986956187410373e6, ratio = 1.00837)
So let's use Stirling to see how big $n$ can be to fit in UInt64
. That is solve
\[ \sqrt{2 \pi} \, n^{n+\frac{1}{2}} e^{-n} = 2^{64}-1. \]
There are multiple ways to try to do this. We'll use floating point numbers and just search. Observe this:
2^64-1, typeof(2^64-1) #This is a signed integer by default
(-1, Int64)
UInt(2)^64-1, typeof(UInt(2)^64-1) #unsigned
(0xffffffffffffffff, UInt64)
See also the documentation about Integers and Floating-Point Numbers.
With floating point we can do much more:
2.0^64-1, typeof(2.0^64-1)
(1.8446744073709552e19, Float64)
In general,
@show typemax(Int64) @show typemax(UInt64) @show typemax(Float64);
typemax(Int64) = 9223372036854775807 typemax(UInt64) = 0xffffffffffffffff typemax(Float64) = Inf
Here is the search (to simplify let's focus on signed integers):
limit = typemax(Int64) n = 1 while stirling(n) <= limit global n += 1 end n -= 1 #why is this here? What can be done instead? println("Found maximal n for n! with 64 bits to be $n.")
Found maximal n for n! with 64 bits to be 20.
Let's try it:
What about $n=21$?
ERROR: OverflowError: 21 is too large to look up in the table; consider using `factorial(big(21))` instead
Indeed $n=21$ doesn't fit within the 64 bit limit. However as suggested by the error message, using big()
can help:
With (software) big integers everything goes:
n = 10^3 big_stuff = factorial(big(n)); num_digits = Int(ceil(log10(big_stuff))) println("The facotrial of $n has $num_digits decimal digits.")
The facotrial of 1000 has 2568 decimal digits.
What about factorials of numbers that aren't positive integers?
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching factorial(::Float64) Closest candidates are: factorial(!Matched::UInt128) @ Base combinatorics.jl:26 factorial(!Matched::Int128) @ Base combinatorics.jl:25 factorial(!Matched::BigFloat) @ Base mpfr.jl:710 ...
No, that isn't defined. But you may be looking for the gamma special function:
\[ \Gamma(z)=\int_{0}^{\infty} x^{z-1} e^{-x} d x. \]
using SpecialFunctions #You'll need to add (install) SpecialFunctions gamma(6.5)
To feel more confident this value agrees with the integral definition of $\Gamma(\cdot)$; let's compute the integral in a very crude manner (Riemann_sum):
function my_crude_gamma(z; delta= 0.01, M = 50) integrand(x) = x^(z-1)*exp(-x) x_grid = 0:delta:M sum(delta*integrand(x) for x in x_grid) end my_crude_gamma(6.5)
Now note that the gamma function is sometimes considered as the continuous version of the factorial because,
\[ \begin{aligned} \Gamma(z+1) &=\int_{0}^{\infty} x^{z} e^{-x} d x \\ &=\left[-x^{z} e^{-x}\right]_{0}^{\infty}+\int_{0}^{\infty} z x^{z-1} e^{-x} d x \\ &=\lim _{x \rightarrow \infty}\left(-x^{z} e^{-x}\right)-\left(-0^{z} e^{-0}\right)+z \int_{0}^{\infty} x^{z-1} e^{-x} d x \\ &=z \, \Gamma(z). \end{aligned} \]
That is, the recursive relationship $\Gamma(z+1) = z\Gamma(z)$ holds similarly to $n! = n \cdot n!$. Further
\[ \Gamma(1) = \int_0^\infty e^{-x} \, dx = 1. \]
Hence we see that for integer $z$, $\Gamma(z) = (z-1)!$ or $n! = \Gamma(n+1)$. Let's try this.
using SpecialFunctions [(n = n, n! = factorial(n), Γ = gamma(n+1)) for n in 0:10]
11-element Vector{@NamedTuple{n::Int64, n!::Int64, Γ::Float64}}: (n = 0, n! = 1, Γ = 1.0) (n = 1, n! = 1, Γ = 1.0) (n = 2, n! = 2, Γ = 2.0) (n = 3, n! = 6, Γ = 6.0) (n = 4, n! = 24, Γ = 24.0) (n = 5, n! = 120, Γ = 120.0) (n = 6, n! = 720, Γ = 720.0) (n = 7, n! = 5040, Γ = 5040.0) (n = 8, n! = 40320, Γ = 40320.0) (n = 9, n! = 362880, Γ = 362880.0) (n = 10, n! = 3628800, Γ = 3.6288e6)
The gamma function can also be extended outside of the positive reals. At some points it isn't defined though.
@show gamma(-1.1) #here defined. gamma(-1) #here not defined
gamma(-1.1) = 9.714806382902896
ERROR: DomainError with -1: `n` must not be negative.
Here is a plot where we exclude certain points where it isn't defined
using Plots, SpecialFunctions z = setdiff(-3:0.001:4, -3:0) #setdifference to remove points where gamma() returns a NaN plot(z,gamma.(z), ylim=(-7,7),legend=false,xlabel="z",ylabel = "Γ(z)")
We now focus on a different component of programming: dealing with strings, text, and natural language. The Julia documentation about strings is also very useful.
my_name = "Janet" @show sizeof(my_name) first_char = my_name[begin] #begin is just like 1 @show first_char @show typeof(first_char) @show ((my_name*" ")^4)[begin:end-1]
sizeof(my_name) = 5 first_char = 'J' typeof(first_char) = Char ((my_name * " ") ^ 4)[begin:end - 1] = "Janet Janet Janet Janet" "Janet Janet Janet Janet"
The basic form of representing characters is via the ASCII code where each one byte integers are translated into characters and vice-versa. The printable characters start at 0x20 (32) which is "white space".
println("A rough ASCII table") println("Decimal\tHex\tCharacter") for c in 0x20:0x7E println(c,"\t","0x" * string(c,base=16),"\t",Char(c)) end
A rough ASCII table Decimal Hex Character 32 0x20 33 0x21 ! 34 0x22 " 35 0x23 # 36 0x24 $ 37 0x25 % 38 0x26 & 39 0x27 ' 40 0x28 ( 41 0x29 ) 42 0x2a * 43 0x2b + 44 0x2c , 45 0x2d - 46 0x2e . 47 0x2f / 48 0x30 0 49 0x31 1 50 0x32 2 51 0x33 3 52 0x34 4 53 0x35 5 54 0x36 6 55 0x37 7 56 0x38 8 57 0x39 9 58 0x3a : 59 0x3b ; 60 0x3c < 61 0x3d = 62 0x3e > 63 0x3f ? 64 0x40 @ 65 0x41 A 66 0x42 B 67 0x43 C 68 0x44 D 69 0x45 E 70 0x46 F 71 0x47 G 72 0x48 H 73 0x49 I 74 0x4a J 75 0x4b K 76 0x4c L 77 0x4d M 78 0x4e N 79 0x4f O 80 0x50 P 81 0x51 Q 82 0x52 R 83 0x53 S 84 0x54 T 85 0x55 U 86 0x56 V 87 0x57 W 88 0x58 X 89 0x59 Y 90 0x5a Z 91 0x5b [ 92 0x5c \ 93 0x5d ] 94 0x5e ^ 95 0x5f _ 96 0x60 ` 97 0x61 a 98 0x62 b 99 0x63 c 100 0x64 d 101 0x65 e 102 0x66 f 103 0x67 g 104 0x68 h 105 0x69 i 106 0x6a j 107 0x6b k 108 0x6c l 109 0x6d m 110 0x6e n 111 0x6f o 112 0x70 p 113 0x71 q 114 0x72 r 115 0x73 s 116 0x74 t 117 0x75 u 118 0x76 v 119 0x77 w 120 0x78 x 121 0x79 y 122 0x7a z 123 0x7b { 124 0x7c | 125 0x7d } 126 0x7e ~
A bit more on characters:
@show 'a' == "a" @show 'a' == "a"[begin] @show 'a'+1;
'a' == "a" = false 'a' == ("a")[begin] = true 'a' + 1 = 'b'
Observe the ASCII codes of 'A'
and 'a'
'A': ASCII/Unicode U+0041 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)
So the difference is 0x20 (or 32).
'a' - 'A'
Say we wanted to make a function that converts to upper case like the in-built uppercase()
my_name = "ramzi" uppercase("ramzi")
How would you do that?
To close, here is an example adapted from the SWJ book. It takes the Shakespere corpus and counts frequencies of words.
using HTTP, JSON data = HTTP.request("GET","") shakespeare = String(data.body) shakespeareWords = split(shakespeare) jsonWords = HTTP.request("GET", "") parsedJsonDict = JSON.parse( String(jsonWords.body)) keywords = Array{String}(parsedJsonDict["words"]) numberToShow = parsedJsonDict["numToShow"] wordCount = Dict([(x,count(w -> lowercase(w) == lowercase(x), shakespeareWords)) for x in keywords]) sortedWordCount = sort(collect(wordCount),by=last,rev=true) display(sortedWordCount[1:numberToShow])
5-element Vector{Pair{String, Int64}}: "king" => 1698 "love" => 1279 "man" => 1033 "sir" => 721 "god" => 555