In the previous unit we got straight into general programming basics as well as specifics with Julia. We now know basic syntax, variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, and more. We spoke about bits, bytes, and representation of integers on a computer. In terms of tools we used Jupyter and the REPL.
In this unit we'll get a taste for basic mathematical analysis of algorithms and quantification of behavior and performance. We'll also deal with more extensive tools including Git and GitHub, Visual Studio Code (IDE), and basic Unix command line.
We'll start with basic demonstrations of the fact that the performance of algorithms can be analyzed mathematically.
As an illustration take sorting. Say we have a list of numbers and wish to sort it:
data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] sort!(data) #The '!' is part of the function name and indicates data is sorted in place println("Sorted data: ", data)
Sorted data: [1, 12, 23, 32, 51, 65, 68, 84]
How would we implement such a sorting algorithm ourselves? One basic algorithm is called bubble sort. Here is an implementation:
function bubble_sort!(a) n = length(a) for i in 1:n-1 for j in 1:n-i if a[j] > a[j+1] a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] end end end return a end bubble_sort!(data) println("Sorted data (with buble sort): ", data)
Sorted data (with buble sort): [1, 12, 23, 32, 51, 65, 68, 84]
A key question when considering such an algorithm is how fast does it run? Other key questions include how much memory does it use?, as well as other questions. Such questions are often critical during the phase of algorithm design, and are later critical with algorithm or datastructure choice.
Later in the course you'll use quite robust benchmarking tool such as BenchmarkTools.jl to empirically measure performance. But for now, lets empirically measure the performance of bubble sort. We also compare it to the in-built sorting algorithm.
using Random function do_timing() data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] println("Bubble sort on small data ($(length(data))):") @time bubble_sort!(data); data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] println("In-built sort on small data ($(length(data))):") @time sort!(data); Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int,10^4) println("Bubble sort on larger data ($(length(data))):") @time bubble_sort!(data); Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int,10^4) println("In-built sort on larger data ($(length(data))):") @time sort!(data); end do_timing();
Bubble sort on small data (8): 0.000002 seconds In-built sort on small data (8): 0.000000 seconds Bubble sort on larger data (10000): 0.096654 seconds In-built sort on larger data (10000): 0.001065 seconds (3 allocations: 86.359 KiB)
We can see that the in-built sort is much faster than our bubble sort.
Now obviously we can optimize our bubble sort a little bit, for example here is a slightly better version that has type specifications and avoids bounds checking:
using Random Random.seed!(0) function slightly_faster_bubble_sort!(a::Vector{Int})::Vector{Int} n = length(a) for i in 1:n-1 for j in 1:n-i @inbounds begin if a[j] > a[j+1] a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] end end end end return a end #Let it run once to remove precompilation overhead slightly_faster_bubble_sort!(rand(Int,100)) Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int,1000) println("bubble sort ($(length(data))):") @time bubble_sort!(data); Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int,1000) println("Slightly faster bubble sort ($(length(data))):") @time slightly_faster_bubble_sort!(data);
bubble sort (1000): 0.000721 seconds Slightly faster bubble sort (1000): 0.000954 seconds
You can probably see that this shaved off a few milliseconds of compute time, but still the time is much longer than the in-built sort.
Let's investigate (empirically) a bit further:
using Random, Plots Random.seed!(0) function do_timing() times = Vector{Float64}(undef,0) n_range = 500 : 500 : 10^4 for n in n_range data = rand(Int64, n) start_time = time_ns() bubble_sort!(data[1:n]) end_time = time_ns() push!(times, Int(end_time - start_time)/10^6) #time in milliseconds end return times, n_range end times, n_range = do_timing() plot(n_range,times, xlabel="Input size", ylabel="Sorting time (ms)", legend = false, shape = :circle)
It appears that the running time grows quadratically with the input size! We can event try to fit a quadratic model using least squares for it:
using DataFrames, GLM data = DataFrame(X = Float64.(n_range), Y = times) #More on DataFrames later in the course model = lm(@formula(Y ~ 1 + X + X^2), data) #This fits a linear model to the features 1, X, X^2 println(model) predict_bubble_time(n) = coef(model)'*[1,n,n^2] scatter(n_range, times, xlabel="n", label = "Bubble sort") plot!(n_range, predict_bubble_time.(n_range), xlabel="n", ylabel="Sorting time (ms)", label = "Least squares fit", legend = :topleft)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, G LM.DensePredChol{Float64, CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{ Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}} Y ~ 1 + X + :(X ^ 2) Coefficients: โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโ Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโ (Intercept) 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN Na N X -0.00106658 0.000193349 -5.52 <1e-04 -0.00147279 - 0.000660365 X ^ 2 1.00776e-6 2.43694e-8 41.35 <1e-18 9.56558e-7 1.05895e-6 โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโ
Let's see how this measured performance works for $30$ thousand observations and $50$ thousand observations:
Random.seed!(0) function do_timing() data = rand(Int,3*10^4) prediction_seconds = predict_bubble_time(3*10^4)/10^3 print("Predicted time: $prediction_seconds \n Actual time:") @time bubble_sort!(data); data = rand(Int,5*10^4) prediction_seconds = predict_bubble_time(5*10^4)/10^3 print("\nPredicted time: $prediction_seconds \n Actual time:") @time bubble_sort!(data); end do_timing();
Predicted time: 0.8749832420175336 Actual time: 1.060207 seconds Predicted time: 2.46606154579832 Actual time: 3.052868 seconds
It isn't a bad prediction. So with the coefficients of the regression being $\beta_0, \beta_1$, and $\beta_2$ we have an empirical model for the computation time, $T(n)$, for input of size $n$:
\[ T(n) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 n + \beta_2 n^2. \]
If you run these experiments on your computer you'll almost certainly get different $\beta$ values from the ones obtained here (the data is the same with a fixed seed but the hardware and instance of runs is different). Even on the same machine, different runs of the experiment will yield different $\beta$ values and hence a different $T(\cdot)$.
What if instead about worrying about the exact $T(\cdot)$ function we will focus on the most dominant term? Here we plot the running time first divided by $n^{1.8}$ and then by $n^{2}$.
using LaTeXStrings plot(n_range, times ./ n_range .^ (1.8),shape = :circle,label = L"T(n) / n^{1.8}") plot!(n_range, times ./ n_range .^ 2,label = L"T(n) / n^{2}", xlabel = "n", ylabel = "Ratio",legend = :topleft,shape = :circle,)
The fact that it roughly goes to a constant when dividing by $n^2$ gives us an indication that,
\[ T(n) \sim n^2. \]
The symbol '$\sim$' means here that for some constant,
\[ \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{T(n)}{n^2} = C. \]
You can also interpret it as,
\[ T(n) = C n^2 + o(n^2) \]
where $o(n^2)$ is some function such that when dividing by $n^2$ and taking $n \to \infty$, the ratio vanishes.
Now in computer science and the study of algorithms, you would often roughly say that,
\[ T(n) = O(n^2). \]
Where the $O(\cdot)$ here follow Big O notation. However to be more precise, some would interpret $T(n) = O(n^2)$ to mean that $T(n)$ grows
not faster than $n^2$. Then it is also $O(n^3)$ and $O(n^4)$ and even $O(2^n)$ (exponential growth. However in this case we (so far empirically) see that the computation is at $O(n^2)$ and hence sometimes $\Theta(n^2)$ is used for this. However, as this is not a full algorithms course, we'll just loosely write $O(n^2)$.
But why is bubble sort an "$O(n^2)$ time complexity algorithm"?
Well in this case we can inspect the algorithm and consider the number of comparisons taking place. To do so look at this "fragment of code":
1: for i in 1:n-1 #Outer loop
2: for j in 1:n-i #Inner loop
3: if a[j] > a[j+1] #Comparison
4: a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] #Switch
It is essentially the heart of the bubble sort algorithm. The outer loop runs $n-1$ times in these runs, the number of iterations of the inner loop are $n-1$, $n-2$, $n-3$,... $1$. Hence line 3, the comparison line runs,
\[ 1 + 2 + \ldots + n-1 = \frac{n(n-1)}{2} = \frac{1}{2}n^2 - \frac{n}{2} = O(n^2). \]
It never hurts to check:
function profiling_bubble_sort!(a) k = 0 n = length(a) for i in 1:n-1 for j in 1:n-i k += 1 #profiling step if a[j] > a[j+1] a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] end end end return k #returns the number of comparisons made end data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] n = length(data) @show profiling_bubble_sort!(data) @show n*(n-1) รท 2;
profiling_bubble_sort!(data) = 28 (n * (n - 1)) รท 2 = 28
As an aside, lets do this profiling by making a different version of our bubble sort that accepts a comparison function. We can use the >
function as a default argument and later replace it with something else. Lets first test it works:
function bubble_sort!(a; comp = >) n = length(a) for i in 1:n-1 for j in 1:n-i if comp(a[j],a[j+1]) a[j], a[j+1] = a[j+1], a[j] end end end return a end data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] bubble_sort!(data) #uses the default argument for comp println("Sorted data (with bubble sort): ", data)
Sorted data (with bubble sort): [1, 12, 23, 32, 51, 65, 68, 84]
Now lets sort based on sum of digits (instead of decimal value of digits).
data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] my_comp(num1, num2) = sum(digits(num1)) > sum(digits(num2)) bubble_sort!(data, comp = my_comp) println("Sorted by sum of digits: ", data)
Sorted by sum of digits: [1, 12, 32, 23, 51, 65, 84, 68]
Note that we could have also use an anonymous function:
data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] bubble_sort!(data, comp = (n1,n2) -> sum(digits(n1)) > sum(digits(n2)) ) println("Sorted by sum of digits: ", data)
Sorted by sum of digits: [1, 12, 32, 23, 51, 65, 84, 68]
Finally lets make a comparison function that increments a global counter of the number of times it is called.
k = 0 #global variable for number of comparisons bubble_sort!(data, comp = (n1,n2) -> begin #we can use a begin-end block to make a multi-line anonymous function global k+=1 sum(digits(n1)) > sum(digits(n2)) end ) println("Sorted data: ", data) println("Number of comparisons: ", k)
Sorted data: [1, 12, 32, 23, 51, 65, 84, 68] Number of comparisons: 28
As you can see from the plot, the in-built sort is about 200x faster! This is mostly not because of "in-built performance improvements" (remember that in Julia almost all the in-built functions are themselves written in Julia). It is because a different algorithm is used. In fact, sorting is one of the basic computer science problems that has been exhaustively studied. See for example the Wikipedia sorting algorithms entry with a table listing the complexity of many sorting methods.
using Random, Plots Random.seed!(0) function do_timing() times = Vector{Float64}(undef,0) n_range = 500:500:10^4 for n in n_range Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int64,n) start_time = time_ns() sort!(data[1:n]) #Use the in-built sort! instead end_time = time_ns() push!(times, Int(end_time - start_time)/10^6) #time in milliseconds end return times, n_range end times, n_range = do_timing() plot(n_range,times, xlabel="n", ylabel="Sorting time (ms)", shape = :star, legend = false)
Note that the running time appears to grow linearly but actually we will theoretically see soon that it is of order $n \log n$. In fact, there are multiple sorting algorithms that have $O(n \log n)$ complexity and it can even be proved that for arbitrary data you cannot do better than $O(n \log n)$ in terms of the number of comparisons.
We'll explore one such "efficient" sorting algorithm, heap-sort, and this is because the heap data structure on which heap-sort is based will be with us for most of the course. heap-sort is not necessarily the best algorithm, and in fact when you call sort!
in Julia, by default the quick-sort algorithm is used. See the actual source code in
But first we discuss a few datastructures.
Note: Do not confuse "Datastructures" with "Databases", these are related terms that mean different things.
When we approach programming without thinking about it too much there is one simple datastructure, an array. An array is a list of a given length with random access to any point. For example,
data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] @show length(data) @show data[4]; #the fourth element
length(data) = 8 data[4] = 12
Lookups in an array are $O(1)$ constant time. But other operations can be more costly. This is because an array spans adjacent memory cells and if we want to insert!
, push!
, or prepend!
to it, then more memory often needs to be managed and the array often needs to be copied. Just to get an understanding of arrays, lets use pointer
to get the address of an array and certain elements in it.
data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] @show eltype(data) @show sizeof(eltype(data)) @show pointer(data) @show pointer(data,1) @show pointer(data,2) @show pointer(data,length(data)); #This is true for any array always_true = (pointer(data,length(data)) - pointer(data))/sizeof(eltype(data)) + 1 == length(data) @show always_true;
eltype(data) = Int64 sizeof(eltype(data)) = 8 pointer(data) = Ptr{Int64} @0x000000017a5b9040 pointer(data, 1) = Ptr{Int64} @0x000000017a5b9040 pointer(data, 2) = Ptr{Int64} @0x000000017a5b9048 pointer(data, length(data)) = Ptr{Int64} @0x000000017a5b9078 always_true = true
In a classic datastructures course, you would often study the following data structures just after speaking about arrays:
We won't do this thoroughly here due to lack of time (some of this material is taught in COMP3506 at UQ). You can see implementations of these datasturctures and others in DataStructures.jl.
We do consider a few of the key other Collections and Datastructures that Julia supplies. The key ones include:
Multidimensional arrays (tensors)
Multidimensional arrays are basically arrays where the indexing into the array is carried out in smarter way. The simplest example is a matrix.
m, n = 3, 5 data = Array{Int8,2}(undef,m,n) N = n*m #Total size of data for i in 1:N @show pointer(data,i) data[i] = i #even though data is a matrix, we can just go over the times sequentially. end data
pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3f8 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3f9 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3fa pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3fb pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3fc pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3fd pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3fe pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb3ff pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb400 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb401 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb402 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb403 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb404 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb405 pointer(data, i) = Ptr{Int8} @0x000000017a3eb406 3ร5 Matrix{Int8}: 1 4 7 10 13 2 5 8 11 14 3 6 9 12 15
As you can see, data[i,j]
is just like data[(j-1)*m + i]
for j in 1:n, i in 1:m @show data[i,j], data[(j-1)*m + i] end
(data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (1, 1) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (2, 2) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (3, 3) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (4, 4) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (5, 5) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (6, 6) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (7, 7) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (8, 8) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (9, 9) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (10, 10) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (11, 11) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (12, 12) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (13, 13) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (14, 14) (data[i, j], data[(j - 1) * m + i]) = (15, 15)
Access of matrix elements is $O(1)$, however this doesn't mean that in practice (certainly in big numerical computations), different ways of accesing the matrix vary:
function sum_rows(data, n, m) s = zero(eltype(data)) for i in 1:n for j in 1:m s += data[i,j] end end return s end function sum_columns(data, n, m) s = zero(eltype(data)) for j in 1:m for i in 1:n s += data[i,j] end end return s end using Random Random.seed!(0) n, m = 500, 10^6 data = rand(n,m) #dry run for precompilation sum_columns(data, n, m) sum_rows(data, n, m) println("Summing with the column iteration moving fastest") @time sum_columns(data, n, m) println("Summing with the row iteration moving fastest") @time sum_rows(data, n, m);
Summing with the column iteration moving fastest 0.619894 seconds (1 allocation: 16 bytes) Summing with the row iteration moving fastest 7.462654 seconds (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
As you can see, going by columns is much faster than going by rows. This is because there are many cache misses if we go by rows. The key takeaway here is that while the speed complexity of the array algorithm $O(1)$ does not capture actual clock speed because of computer architecture issues such as the cache.
As the name implies, dictionaries refer to collections that keep keys and values and allow for efficient lookup. For example:
#A dictionary mapping suburb to postcode dict = Dict{String,Int16}() dict["Saint Lucia"] = 4067 dict["South Brisbane"] = 4101 dict["Rochdale"] = 4123 @show dict["Rochdale"] @show keys(dict) @show values(dict) dict
dict["Rochdale"] = 4123 keys(dict) = ["South Brisbane", "Rochdale", "Saint Lucia"] values(dict) = Int16[4101, 4123, 4067] Dict{String, Int16} with 3 entries: "South Brisbane" => 4101 "Rochdale" => 4123 "Saint Lucia" => 4067
dict["Taringa"] #Will not work
ERROR: KeyError: key "Taringa" not found
A dictionary where the keys are $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ or some subset can just be implemented via an array (via index lookup), but in general this is more complicated. A naive (and highly inefficient) way to implement a dictionary such as from the example above is:
dict_keys = Array{String}(undef,0) dict_values = Array{Int16}(undef,0) function add_key_value_pair(keys,values,new_key,new_value) #Note that keys and values are `passed by reference` and hence can be modified push!(keys, new_key) push!(values, new_value) end add_key_value_pair(dict_keys,dict_values,"Saint Lucia", 4067) add_key_value_pair(dict_keys,dict_values,"South Brisbane", 4101) add_key_value_pair(dict_keys,dict_values,"Rochdale", 4123) function value_of_key(keys,values,key_in_question) for (i,k) in enumerate(keys) k == key_in_question && return values[i] end @error "didn't find the key $key_in_question" end @show value_of_key(dict_keys,dict_values,"Rochdale") value_of_key(dict_keys,dict_values,"Taringa") #Will throw an error
value_of_key(dict_keys, dict_values, "Rochdale") = 4123
โ Error: didn't find the key Taringa
However you can probably see that the time complexity of value_of_key()
is of the order $O(n)$ when $n$ is the number of keys. This is a very time-consuming lookup. An (on average) efficient way to implement dictionaries is via a Hash table data structure. We won't get into the details now, but (solely for those interested) refer this (more advanced talk) related to alternative implementations of dictionaries (this is a recent talk by one of the course lecturers, Andy Ferris).
Another type of collection that is in-built in Julia and often very useful is a Set
. Unlike arrays that maintain order, sets (like in mathematics) are unordered and do not have repetitions.
my_set = Set([1,2,3,4,1,2,3])
Set{Int64} with 4 elements: 4 2 3 1
You can do a variety of set operations on sets. See for example this code from SWJ
A = Set([2,7,2,3]) B = Set(1:6) omega = Set(1:10) AunionB = union(A, B) AintersectionB = intersect(A, B) BdifferenceA = setdiff(B,A) Bcomplement = setdiff(omega,B) AsymDifferenceB = union(setdiff(A,B),setdiff(B,A)) println("A = $A, B = $B") println("A union B = $AunionB") println("A intersection B = $AintersectionB") println("B diff A = $BdifferenceA") println("B complement = $Bcomplement") println("A symDifference B = $AsymDifferenceB") println("The element '6' is an element of A: $(in(6,A))") println("Symmetric difference and intersection are subsets of the union: ", issubset(AsymDifferenceB,AunionB),", ", issubset(AintersectionB,AunionB))
A = Set([7, 2, 3]), B = Set([5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1]) A union B = Set([5, 4, 6, 7, 2, 3, 1]) A intersection B = Set([2, 3]) B diff A = Set([5, 4, 6, 1]) B complement = Set([7, 10, 9, 8]) A symDifference B = Set([5, 4, 6, 7, 1]) The element '6' is an element of A: false Symmetric difference and intersection are subsets of the union: true, true
Why use sets and what would you expect them to be efficient with? Let's take data that has $10^5$ elements selected randomly out of the possible Int32
(most chances are that all elements are unique - how would you compute this chance?):
Random.seed!(0) array_data = rand(Int32,10^5) my_set = Set(array_data) @show length(my_set); #Since this shows 10^5 as output it indicates all values were unique.
length(my_set) = 100000
Say now we want to lookup if an arbitrary number, n
is in the set. If we were just using an array there is no good way to look for it better than $O(n)$. But in the case of a set, seeing set membership is guaranteed to be much quicker.
function do_timing() @time begin x = 10^5 #smallest number will be 213796. while true x โ array_data && break x += 1 end @show x end @time begin x = 10^5 while true x โ my_set && break x += 1 end @show x end end do_timing();
x = 149944 3.657147 seconds (52.28 k allocations: 1.106 MiB, 0.20% compilation time) x = 149944 0.017827 seconds (59.16 k allocations: 1.329 MiB, 85.78% compilation time )
We can't cover all of the fundamental algorithms and data structures in this course, so we chose one non-trivial data structure to focus on. This is the heap data structure. It will be used here for sorting, used in Unit 5 for algebraic manipulations, and used in Unit 6 as an aid for discrete event simulation.
Note: do not confuse the heap data structure with the other computer science usage of "heap", also known as "free store" which refers to the place in memory where allocations happen. In Julia the heap is used for allocations of immutable types and has garbage collection. More on that in Unit 4.
Before starting to see what a heap does (we'll continue in more depth in future units on how it works), we'll discuss what we expect it to do - namely implement an efficient priority queue.
Consider for example a hypothetical situation where thousands of individuals attend a mass vaccination centre. As they arrive, each individual is tagged by their name (a String
), and recieves a priority for vaccination which is a number (say Float32
). Assume (hypothetically) that the priority is a function of their age, their occupation (essential or not), and their medical condition. Hence there are many possible different priorities.
Continuing with this example, assume the individuals queue (e.g. wait in a big arena or showgrounds area) and are only called when their priority is the highest (clearly high priority individuals won't queue much while others wait for a long while). The management system will then keep track of the priorities of the individuals and do the following:
Add individuals (this will happen at every arbitrary time in which someone arrives).
Remove the individual with the highest priority (they then get vaccinated and leave).
Modify an individual's priority if they complain about waiting too long or in case of other reasons.
There are different alternatives for implementing such a data structure and in all cases the associated "collection" will be called a priority queue. It turns out that the heap data structure is the most efficient way to implement a priority (certainly if the number of items is large). But for starters lets consider some naive implemintations.
A small digression is to see the Julia type of named tuples; which present one way of keeping individuals:
person_A = (priority = 23.2, name = "Zack") #This is a named tuple, person_B = (priority = 12.6, name = "Lenna")#if there wasn't "priority =" and "name =" it would just be a tuple @show typeof(person_A) @show person_A @show person_B; @show @show person_B.priority;
typeof(person_A) = @NamedTuple{priority::Float64, name::String} person_A = (priority = 23.2, name = "Zack") person_B = (priority = 12.6, name = "Lenna") = "Zack" person_B.priority = 12.6
So the type of this objects is NamedTuple{(:priority, :name), Tuple{Float64, String}}
and they are just convient to work with.
Now back to our naive priority queue. We will just keep an array of the named tuples (the naiveness is not because of the named tuples but because of the fact we are using an array).
#Create an empty priorty queue as an array of named tuples naive_priority_queue = NamedTuple{(:priority, :name), Tuple{Float64, String}}[];
Now in the most naive implemintation, every time we add an individual we'll just push!
their named tuple to the array. For example,
new_person = (priority = 123.2, name = "Yarden") push!(naive_priority_queue,new_person) another_new_person = (priority = 12.5, name = "Sharon") push!(naive_priority_queue,another_new_person) yet_another_new_person = (priority = 4.4, name = "Miriam") push!(naive_priority_queue,yet_another_new_person) even_another_new_person = (priority = 54.2, name = "Moshe") push!(naive_priority_queue,even_another_new_person) naive_priority_queue
4-element Vector{@NamedTuple{priority::Float64, name::String}}: (priority = 123.2, name = "Yarden") (priority = 12.5, name = "Sharon") (priority = 4.4, name = "Miriam") (priority = 54.2, name = "Moshe")
Note that (in principle) such a push!
is a costly operation because from time to time new memory needs to be allocated and the whole array copied.
Then each time we wish to remove an individual there will be the the costly (why?) operation of deleteat!
. This is $O(n)$ every time.
index_of_person_we_want_to_delte = 3 #Say we know this index deleteat!(naive_priority_queue, index_of_person_we_want_to_delte) naive_priority_queue
3-element Vector{@NamedTuple{priority::Float64, name::String}}: (priority = 123.2, name = "Yarden") (priority = 12.5, name = "Sharon") (priority = 54.2, name = "Moshe")
Finally searching for the individual with the highest priority is also $O(n)$.
# You can ignore the type annotations of the inputs and outputs for now function get_next_person(priority_queue::Vector{NamedTuple{(:priority, :name), Tuple{Float64, String}}})::NamedTuple{(:priority, :name), Tuple{Float64, String}} @assert !isempty(priority_queue) max_p = first(priority_queue) for p in priority_queue (p.priority > max_p.priority) && (max_p = p) end return max_p end get_next_person(naive_priority_queue)
(priority = 123.2, name = "Yarden")
Now you may think of simple ways to improve this, for example by enforcing the invariant that naive_priority_queue
is always sorted. But this then implies that adding individuals is an $O(n)$ worst case operation.
Now in a scenario like a mass vaccination centre it isn't really a problem to use such a priority queue with $O(n)$ costs for most operations. This is because the frequency of events is not high and neither is $n$. However, in other scenarios where events (additions, deletions, finding the maximum priority) occur very frequently then $O(n)$ for each operation may be very painful. For example, what if you were simulating that vaccination centre on a computer (similar simulations will be considered in Unit 6).
The heap data structure is a smarter tree based way of keeping the elements of a priority queue. With this data structure, finding the maximum is $O(1)$, deleting the maximum is $O(\log n)$, insertions are $O(\log n)$, and updating of a priority is $O(\log n)$. We'll see the way it is implemented in Unit 6, but for now we'll use it as a "black box".
One implementation we can use is from DataStructures.jl.
Now observe that since the operations of insertions and deletion of the maximum are efficient, we also get an efficient sorting algorithm:
The heap sort algorithm just pushes the values to be sorted into a heap and then pops out the maximal value one after the other. Since there are $n$ values and putting in a value takes $O(\log n)$ time, putting all $n$ values in requires $O(n \log n)$ time. Then popping the values another $O(n \log n)$ time so the total time is twice of that which is still $O(n \log n)$. This is much better than the $O(n^2)$ of bubble sort and is equivalent to the best (asymptotic) sorting performance possible.
using Random, DataStructures Random.seed!(0) function heap_sort!(a::AbstractArray) h = BinaryMinHeap{eltype(a)}() for e in a push!(h, e) #This is an O(log n) operation end #Write back onto the original array for i in 1:length(a) a[i] = pop!(h) #This is an O(log n) operation end return a end data = [65, 51, 32, 12, 23, 84, 68, 1] heap_sort!(data) data
8-element Vector{Int64}: 1 12 23 32 51 65 68 84
Lets carry out rough benchmarks. As we can see (even though this is a very sloppy timing mechanism), there appears to be linear growth. Note that the difference between $O(n)$ and $O(n \log n)$ is hard to pick up with sloppy timings such as this.
Random.seed!(0) function do_timing() data = rand(Int64,10^8) n_range = 10^4:10^4:10^6 times_heap_sort = Vector{Float64}(undef,0) for n in n_range GC.enable(false) #This turns off garbage collection start_time = time_ns() heap_sort!(data[1:n]) end_time = time_ns() GC.enable(true) #GC back on push!(times_heap_sort, Int(end_time - start_time)/10^6) #time in milliseconds end return times_heap_sort, n_range end times_heap_sort, n_range = do_timing() plot(n_range,times_heap_sort, shape = :square, c = :red, legend = :topleft, label="heap sort",xlabel = "n", ylabel = "Time (msec)")
Lets also consider a single timing of $10^6$ data points:
Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int64,10^6) @time heap_sort!(data);
0.248854 seconds (14 allocations: 9.781 MiB)
And compare it with the in-built sort:
Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int64,10^6) @time sort!(data);
0.034371 seconds (3 allocations: 7.637 MiB)
We still see that the in-built sort is about twice as fast and does not allocate memory. In contrast the heap sort algorithm used memory. Comparing the two together we see they appear to (empirically) be of similar order, but the constant of heap-sort is about twice as much as the in-built sort.
using Random, Plots Random.seed!(0) function do_timing() data = rand(Int64,10^6) n_range = 2*10^4:2*10^4:10^6 times_heap_sort = Vector{Float64}(undef,0) times_in_built_sort = Vector{Float64}(undef,0) for n in n_range GC.enable(false) start_time = time_ns() heap_sort!(data[1:n]) end_time = time_ns() GC.enable(true) push!(times_heap_sort, Int(end_time - start_time)/10^6) #time in milliseconds GC.enable(false) start_time = time_ns() sort!(data[1:n]) end_time = time_ns() GC.enable(true) push!(times_in_built_sort, Int(end_time - start_time)/10^6) #time in milliseconds end return times_heap_sort, times_in_built_sort, n_range end times_heap_sort, times_in_built_sort, n_range = do_timing() plot(n_range,times_heap_sort, label="heap sort",shape = :star) plot!(n_range,times_in_built_sort, label = "in-built sort", shape = :circle, xlabel="n", ylabel="Sorting time (ms)", legend = :topleft)
So what is the in-built sort? Lets look at "quick sort".
On our path to understanding quick sort we'll start with a different sorting algorithm Merge sort. It uses a divide and conquer strategy somewhat similar to our target algorithm, quick-sort.
Here is an implementation of merge sort that is very wasteful in terms of memory copies (we won't present a more efficient implementation here). Nevertheless the key principle is that when presented with sorting an array of length $n$, merge-sort splits it into two arrays of size $n/2$ (or close to that if $n$ is odd). Merge sort then sorts each of the sub-arrays by calling itself again (a recursive call), and then when presented with two sorted sub arrays merge sort merges them in order.
The code below implements this from first principles. It can be improved in terms of style and efficiency but is good enough to get the main idea:
#Note that there are much better implementations of this which avoid all this memory copying function my_merge_sort(data) n = length(data) (n == 1) && return data p = n รท 2 #\div + [TAB] data_bottom = my_merge_sort(data[1:p]) #Get a sorted version of bottom half data_top = my_merge_sort(data[p+1:n]) #get a sorted version of top half data_new = Vector{eltype(data)}(undef,length(data)) #Now merge, b and t are running indexes for the bottom and top b, t = 1, 1 #will for i in 1:n #loop on indexes of destination array if b > length(data_bottom) #if data_bottom array is finished data_new[i] = data_top[t] t += 1 continue #returns to top of for loop end if t > length(data_top) #if data_top is finished data_new[i] = data_bottom[b] b += 1 continue #returns to top of for loop end #if here then bottom and top are not finished - put the smaller element in the destination if data_bottom[b] <= data_top[t] data_new[i] = data_bottom[b] b += 1 else data_new[i] = data_top[t] t+=1 end end return data_new end
my_merge_sort (generic function with 1 method)
Let's compare merge sort with the in-built sort on $10^6$ integers. You can see from the output a check that both functions create the same sub-array. You can also see that the timing of merge-sort is significantly higher (by a factor of about 5) however it is still competitive timing (e.g. when comparing to bubble sort). Again keep in mind that our implementation was very wasteful due to multiple copying of the data.
Random.seed!(0) data = rand(Int64,10^6) @show my_merge_sort(data) == sort(data) println("Time for Merge sort:") @time my_merge_sort(data) println("Time for in-built sort:") @time sort(data);
my_merge_sort(data) == sort(data) = true Time for Merge sort: 0.360540 seconds (3.00 M allocations: 478.701 MiB, 16.72% gc time) Time for in-built sort: 0.045897 seconds (5 allocations: 15.267 MiB, 25.19% gc time)
We will now analyze the computational complexity time of merge sort and see it is $O(n \log n$). The key is to consider the three main actions carried out by merge sort:
Sort the bottom sub list.
Sort the top sub list.
Merge the data.
If $T(n)$ is the time for sorting data of size $n$ then $T(n/2)$ is the time for sorting each sub-list. Further, you can see that the time to merge the two sub-lists is of order $O(n)$ because it requires running on the whole length of the dataset once. Hence we get,
\[ T(n) = 2 T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n). \]
This type of recursion is popular in several divide and conquer algorithms and we can now use the so called Master theorem for analysis of algorithms to see that this recursion is "solved by" $T(n) = O(n \log n)$. We won't get into all the mathematical details, but as an illustration that this is sensible assume that the $O(n)$ term in the recursion is $C (\log 2)n$ (that is, assume a specific constant and ignore lower order $o(n)$ terms). Then by plugging in $T(n) = C n \log n$, for some constant $C$, we see it is a solution:
\[ C n \log n = 2 C \frac{n}{2} \log \frac{n}{2} + C (\log 2) n = C n \log n. \]
The Master theorem allows to formalize this taking into considerations all possible $O(n)$ terms.
We now explore quicksort. Like merge sort it is a divide and conquer algorithm. Implementing it is part of HW1, so we won't provide an implementation. However here is pseudocode adapted from Wikipedia broken up into two functions quicksort
which operates on an array A
indexed by lo
and hi
(in an initial call you would use lo = 1
and hi = length(A)
algorithm quicksort(A, lo, hi):
if lo > 0 && hi > 0 then
if lo < hi then
p := partition(A, lo, hi)
quicksort(A, lo, p - 1)
quicksort(A, p + 1, hi)
algorithm partition(A, lo, hi):
pivot := A[hi]
i := lo - 1
for j := lo to hi do
if A[j] <= pivot then
i := i + 1
swap A[i] with A[j]
return i
There are many resources on the web dealing with quicksort. Here is one very nice recommended video. Note that it uses Python where array indexing starts at 0
and not 1
like Julia. Also note that in Python def
is how you define a function.
We note that quick-sort's worst case complexity is actually $O(n^2)$ however on average it is $O(n \log n)$. Still, even though it doesn't have guaranteed performance like merge sort or heap sort, it is a very fast algorithm and generally beats merge sort and heap sort in terms of the constants. It is also by default "in place", just like it's slow cousin, bubble sort.
Quicksort recently celebrated 60 years. Here is an useful article about it and here is the follow-up about it.
We now spend more time on "tools", namely,
Unix command line
Git and GitHub
The Visual Studio Code IDE
An operating system is software that manages the other software and hardware of the computer. It manages:
Computer memory (RAM)
Running programs, processes (tasks), and sometimes threads within a task
More ...
This includes low level interfaces between the running programs and hardware, as well as its own "programs" for interfacing and managing the system (e.g. graphical user interface for files, and importantly for us the shell).
Unix is a classic operating system still very much in use today. Mac's operating system macOS is based on Unix. Similarly, Linux is a Unix based system. The most popular desktop family of operating systems, Windows is not Unix based.
Our focus is on the shell, or command line interface which allows to execute simple and complicated tasks via command line. In Windows this is called the "command line". You can watch this (one of many) video tutorial series about the windows command line. However, you are not required to build up "command line" knowledge as part of this course. Instead if you are a Windows user, we recommended you use GitBash which gives you "Unix command line emulation". If you are a Mac user, you will simply run "Terminal", and on Linux you will run "Shell".
Note that when you run a Julia REPL, hitting ;
puts you in "shell mode" where the system's default shell is present.
We won't become shell experts but only learn to carry out a few basic tasks. Our main use case will be using Git source control software (see more below). For this, we'll also learn about basic file manipulation commands and a few more tid bits will appear as needed. We assume you are familiar with the fact your system has files, and folders (directories). Here are more things to be aware of:
stands for the folder of your user.
stands for the root directory.
stands for the current directory (there is always the notion of the current directory for our process/program).
stands for the parent directory.
Key file navigation commands are:
show files.
change current directory.
print working directory.
Key file manipulation commands are (be careful!):
remove (empty directory).
move (also rename).
A few more useful commands (apps):
print to screen (can be used as part of a shell script).
print a text file.
print with first 10 lines of a text file
print with last 10 lines of a text file
compare two files line by line
search within a file.
and emacs
text editors
Commands work well with wildcards/regular expressions. A very common one is *
Output of commands can be piped into other commands using |
, similarly it can be redirected into file with >
or >>
for appending.
There are some commands dealing with users and permissions (we won't cover unless needed):
change permissions of a file.
who you are just in case you aren't sure.
super user do.
There are some commands dealing with processes:
a task manager, shows running processes with cpu and memory utilization
a process.
see running processes.
Here are some tools for dealing with useful networking tasks:
transfer data from a network with a variety of protocols supported
transfer data from a network (recursive downloads supported)
cryptographic network protocol. Allows remote access to other machines.
Finally some useful development tools:
GNU compiler collection
useful tool for building applications
debugging tools
It can be hard to quantify good software design. An informative approach is the "Unix Philosophy". This is summarized by Doug McIlroy (the inventor of Unix pipes) as:
Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate old programs by adding new features.
Expect the output of every program to become the input to another, as yet unknown, program. Don't clutter output with extraneous information. Avoid stringently columnar or binary input formats. Don't insist on interactive input.
Design and build software, even operating systems, to be tried early, ideally within weeks. Don't hesitate to throw away the clumsy parts and rebuild them.
Use tools in preference to unskilled help to lighten a programming task, even if you have to detour to build the tools and expect to throw some of them out after you've finished using them.
Working with software requires keeping track of versions and modifications. For this there is a set of best working practices that often depend on the task at hand.
The basic functionality of a version control system are:
Keeping track of software history over time
Being able to revert changes to a previous point in time (in case you break something important)
Being able to make, track and merge experimental functionality, while keeping a "good" version unpolluted
Keeping a remote backup of the source code in case of a disaster
Allow teams of people to work in this way on a codebase without treading on each others toes (too much)
One very useful tool is Git. We will be using Git both via command line and via Visual Studio Code. Git interfaces with online platforms such as GitHub and GitLab. You may use GUI based applications for GitHub, such as GitHub Desktop.
For a review of commands see this cheat sheet
An IDE is an acronym for an "Integrated Development Environment". The most basic development environment is simply a text file editor (such as vim) and somewhere to run the code (such as a Julia REPL). Software developers work with wide variety of such tools (with extensions to make coding a simpler task).
Features of an IDE that will make your life easier:
Text Editor
Source Code Navigation
Syntax Highlighting
Code Completion
Version Control Integration
Search Tools
Language Support
Code Linting
In this course we recommend using VSCode, an open source code editing tool made by Microsoft.
There are a vast number of licencing arrangements for dealing with the use of software and the availability of source code for the software. Two broad classes to be aware of:
Proprietary Software
Free and Open Source Software
The source code for Proprietary Software is typically a closely guarded secret and unauthorised use can have severe legal consequences.
Free and Open source does not mean that source code can always be used in whatever fashion is desired. Many different philosophies around why a particular developer or organisation wishes to distribute source code need to be respected.
Open source code falls into three broad classes:
Permissive Licence (e.g. BSD, MIT, Apache)
Copyleft (e.g. GPL)
Public Domain (e.g. CC0)
A rough summary is that Permissive Licences tend to be favorable for commercial use of derived software, Copyleft makes derived works free to redistribute, but they must also be Copyleft works, and Public Domain are the most free and can be used as desired. Again there can be severe legal consequences for misuse of derived works.
Examples of Software released under different licences:
Proprietary - Microsoft Windows, MacOS, MATLAB
Permissive - Julia (MIT), Python (PSFL), Android (Apache 2.0 for userspace, GPLv2 for kernel)
Copyleft - Linux (GPLv2), R (GPLv2)
Public Domain - BLAS, SQLite