Programming of Simulation, Analysis, and Learning Systems
(Semester 2 2024)

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Unit 8: Working with heterogenous datasets and a view towards machine learning

In this unit we learn how to deal with heterogenous datasets using data frames. We then explore basic concepts of machine learning. A deep dive into deep learning at UQ is in the STAT3007 course. Theory of machine learning (and statistical learning) is also studied in STAT3006. Other aspects of applied statistics and data analysis are studied in STAT3500. Our purpose with this unit is just to touch the tip of the iceberg on issues of data analysis and machine learning. The Julia language knowledge acquired in the previous units should help.


This course doesn't touch databases, a rich topic of its own. (Do not confuse the term database with data structures or data frames). A database is a system that stores information in an organized and flexible manner. Many databases are relational databases and this means that they are comprised of multiple data tables that are associated via relations. The most common language for dealing with such databases is SQL. It is not a general programming language but rather a language for querying, modifying, and managing databases. At UQ you can study more about databases in the INFS2200 course as well as several other more advanced courses.

We now show you an example of database and a few things you may expect from SQL.


A "relation" is a mathematical term for a set over tuples (or named tuples), and is a generalization of a function.

For example, consider the function $y = f(x)$. (The names here are $x$ and $y$). An equivalent relation $f$ can be constructed as a set of tuples of the form $(x, y)$. A particular tuple $(x, y)$ is in the relation $f$ if and only if $y = f(x)$.

Other things which are not strictly functions may be relations. For example, we can construct a relation of real numbers $(x, y)$ where $x = y^2$. Or, equivalently, $y = \pm\sqrt{x}$. Positive values of $x$ correspond to two values of $y$ (positive or negative square root). When $x$ equals zero, there is only one solution for $y$ (also zero). And for negative $x$ there are no real $y$ that satisfy the relation. Note that I say "relation" and not "function" here - functions are only a subset of relations.

Just like functions may have multiple inputs ($x = f(a, b, c)$), a relation may consist of tuples of any size (including zero!). And both functions and relations can exist over finite, discrete sets.

There are precisely two relations over tuples of size zero (i.e. $()$) - the empty relation, and the relation containing the empty tuple $()$. You can use this fact to build up a kind of boolean logic in the language of relations, where the empty relation is false and the relation containing $()$ is true.

Outside of mathematics, the kinds of relations normally modelled in databases are of the discrete, finite-sized variety. A relation over tuples $(a, b, c)$ is equivalent to table with three columns $a$, $b$ and $c$. In a strictly relational databases, the ordering of the rows is irrelevant, and you cannot have two identical rows in the database (though in practice many databases in use may also deal with "bags" rather than "sets" of tuples, where rows can be repeated). The fields $a$, $b$ and $c$ are drawn from their own set of possibilities, or datatype. For example, you might have (name, birthdate, is_adult) where name may be a string, birthdate may be a date, and is_adult may be a boolean.


Note that this particular relation is also a function, since is_adult has a functional relationship with birthdate.

In many relations, there are uniqueness constraints - for example the name might identify each row uniquely, or there may be a specific ID column to deal with different people sharing the same name. Such unique constraints are called "keys" and the primary identifier that you might use to fetch a particular row is called the "primary key".

Relational schema

A single relation is a restrictive way to model your data. However, by allowing multiple relations, we can capture the various sets of data in the system, and piece them together by their relationships.

For example, each person in the table above might be related to other things. They might have jobs, bank accounts, etc. Within a single business a person might be a customer, a supplier and an employee, and for different purposes we might want data associated with that person (e.g. their birthdate might relate to promotions for customers, payrates for employees, etc).

Generally, to make keeping track of data easy, in a relational database you would store that person just once and create relationships between that person and other things. That way, if something changes about that person, it only needs to be updated in one place, and data remains consistent everywhere.

Here is an example of a more complex example - an imagining of how LinkedIn might store their data in a relational database (taken from "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann).

From _Designing Data-Intensive Applications_ by Martin Kleppmann


The most popular way to interact with relational data is with via a language called SQL (originally "SEQUEL", pronounced that way, backronymed to "structured query language").

The language is from 1973 and doesn't look like most other programming languages. With it, you declare a "query" and the database will find the best way to return the results. It is a form of declarative programming. Here is an example of getting some columns of data from the users table:

SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name
FROM users

You can filter the rows via a WHERE clause. Let's say you knew the user_id for Bill Gates and you wanted just his data:

SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name
FROM users
WHERE user_id = 251

Data in different tables are related via the JOIN statement

SELECT users.user_id, first_name, last_name, organization
INNER JOIN positions ON positions.user_id = users.user_id
FROM users

Note we have to prefix the shared column names with the corresponding table (although in this case the difference is not particularly important, your query cannot be ambiguous).

But there is a problem here. This query would create a large amount of data, that the database would need to collect and send over the network to you. In the worst case, performing such a query could bring down a large system!

Generally, you have something more precise in mind. Like - which organizations has Bill Gates worked at?

SELECT users.user_id, first_name, last_name, organization
INNER JOIN positions ON positions.user_id = users.user_id
FROM users
WHERE users.user_id = 251

This will now return just two rows (for Microsoft, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and is much less effort for the database, the network and the client. In real-world settings, complex joins could link data spanning dozens of tables.

We won't be using SQL in this course but it is so pervasive in industry that is essential that you know that it exists, and not to be afraid to use it! (It is a very useful and desirable skill!).


Working with tabular data is a central part of data analysis (think Excel). Data has rows (observations) and columns (variables/features). Typically a row would be for an individual, or item, or event. Typically a column would be for attributes of the individual, properties of the events, etc. Variables can be numerical, categorical, strings, or even more complex entities (e.g. images, arrays or dictionaries).

The datafile athlete_events.csv is a moderately sized dataset available from Kaggle covering all athletes that have participated the Summer or Winter Olympics between 1896 and 2016. The CSV file contains 40MB of data over 15 columns and more than 27,000 rows, which is "small data" for a modern computer (but would have been challenging in the 1980's). In this context, "big data" is too large to be handled by a single machine, and we'll discuss "big data" and "medium data" later.

You have already seen how to read and write from CSV files in Unit 3 where you also explored JSON files. You may recall using the DataFrames.jl package in that unit. We now take a deeper dive into the concept of dataframes.

We will use athlete_events.csv to show basic functionality of the DataFrames.jl and TypedTables.jl packages. In a sense these packages are alternatives. Seeing some functionality from each may be useful for gaining a general understanding of what to expect from such packages. If you work with Python, then using pandas is the common alternative. Similarly if you work with the R language then the built-in dataframes are common.

Basic data exploration

Whenever you receive a dataset, it takes some time to understand its contents. This process is generally known as "data exploration". To do so, we generally load (a subset of) the data from disk and do some basic analysis in a Jupyter notebook or at the REPL.

We were introduced to CSV files earlier in the course. Here's the first few lines of our file:

open("../data/athlete_events.csv") do io
    i = 0
    while i < 5
        i += 1
"1","A Dijiang","M",24,180,80,"China","CHN","1992 Summer",1992,"Summer","Ba
rcelona","Basketball","Basketball Men's Basketball",NA
"2","A Lamusi","M",23,170,60,"China","CHN","2012 Summer",2012,"Summer","Lon
don","Judo","Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight",NA
"3","Gunnar Nielsen Aaby","M",24,NA,NA,"Denmark","DEN","1920 Summer",1920,"
Summer","Antwerpen","Football","Football Men's Football",NA
"4","Edgar Lindenau Aabye","M",34,NA,NA,"Denmark/Sweden","DEN","1900 Summer
",1900,"Summer","Paris","Tug-Of-War","Tug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-War","Gold"

The do syntax here injects a function which takes io::IO (an I/O stream for our file) into the first argument of the open function. It is syntax sugar. The open function is designed such that when the inner function returns or throws an error, open will automatically close the file to avoid resource leakage.

We can use the CSV.jl package to read the data and the DataFrames.jl package to hold the tabular data. We note in the above the appearance of "NA" for missing data, which we can use to help load the file.

using DataFrames, CSV
csv_file = CSV.File("../data/athlete_events.csv"; missingstring = "NA")
df = DataFrame(csv_file)
println("Data size: ", size(df))
println("Columns in the data: ", names(df))
Data size: (271116, 15)
Columns in the data: ["ID", "Name", "Sex", "Age", "Height", "Weight", "Team
", "NOC", "Games", "Year", "Season", "City", "Sport", "Event", "Medal"]

Since the data is large, we don't usually want to print it all. The first and last functions can be helpful:

first(df, 10)
10×15 DataFrame
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing
22A LamusiM2317060.0ChinaCHN2012 Summer2012SummerLondonJudoJudo Men's Extra-Lightweightmissing
33Gunnar Nielsen AabyM24missingmissingDenmarkDEN1920 Summer1920SummerAntwerpenFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
44Edgar Lindenau AabyeM34missingmissingDenmark/SwedenDEN1900 Summer1900SummerParisTug-Of-WarTug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-WarGold
55Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2118582.0NetherlandsNED1988 Winter1988WinterCalgarySpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
65Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2118582.0NetherlandsNED1988 Winter1988WinterCalgarySpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing
75Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2518582.0NetherlandsNED1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
85Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2518582.0NetherlandsNED1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing
95Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2718582.0NetherlandsNED1994 Winter1994WinterLillehammerSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
105Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2718582.0NetherlandsNED1994 Winter1994WinterLillehammerSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing
last(df, 10)
10×15 DataFrame
1135565Fernando scar ZylberbergM2716876.0ArgentinaARG2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaHockeyHockey Men's Hockeymissing
2135566James Francis "Jim" ZylkerM2117575.0United StatesUSA1972 Summer1972SummerMunichFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
3135567Aleksandr Viktorovich ZyuzinM2418372.0RussiaRUS2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyRowingRowing Men's Lightweight Coxless Foursmissing
4135567Aleksandr Viktorovich ZyuzinM2818372.0RussiaRUS2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaRowingRowing Men's Lightweight Coxless Foursmissing
5135568Olga Igorevna ZyuzkovaF3317169.0BelarusBLR2016 Summer2016SummerRio de JaneiroBasketballBasketball Women's Basketballmissing
6135569Andrzej yaM2917989.0Poland-1POL1976 Winter1976WinterInnsbruckLugeLuge Mixed (Men)'s Doublesmissing
7135570Piotr yaM2717659.0PolandPOL2014 Winter2014WinterSochiSki JumpingSki Jumping Men's Large Hill, Individualmissing
8135570Piotr yaM2717659.0PolandPOL2014 Winter2014WinterSochiSki JumpingSki Jumping Men's Large Hill, Teammissing
9135571Tomasz Ireneusz yaM3018596.0PolandPOL1998 Winter1998WinterNaganoBobsleighBobsleigh Men's Fourmissing
10135571Tomasz Ireneusz yaM3418596.0PolandPOL2002 Winter2002WinterSalt Lake CityBobsleighBobsleigh Men's Fourmissing

This dataset appears to be sorted by last name. Each row corresponds to an entrant to an event. The ID column identifies each unique athlete.

A DataFrame is indexed like a 2D container of rows and columns. The : symbol means "all".

df[1:10, :]
10×15 DataFrame
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing
22A LamusiM2317060.0ChinaCHN2012 Summer2012SummerLondonJudoJudo Men's Extra-Lightweightmissing
33Gunnar Nielsen AabyM24missingmissingDenmarkDEN1920 Summer1920SummerAntwerpenFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
44Edgar Lindenau AabyeM34missingmissingDenmark/SwedenDEN1900 Summer1900SummerParisTug-Of-WarTug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-WarGold
55Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2118582.0NetherlandsNED1988 Winter1988WinterCalgarySpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
65Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2118582.0NetherlandsNED1988 Winter1988WinterCalgarySpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing
75Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2518582.0NetherlandsNED1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
85Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2518582.0NetherlandsNED1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing
95Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2718582.0NetherlandsNED1994 Winter1994WinterLillehammerSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
105Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2718582.0NetherlandsNED1994 Winter1994WinterLillehammerSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 1,000 metresmissing

Internally, a dataframe stores one vector of data per column. You can access any of them conveniently as "properties" with . syntax:

271116-element Vector{Int64}:
271116-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

As you can see from above, some data can be missing. How many heights are missing?

ismissing.(df.Height) |> count # Piping: `f(x) |> g` syntax means `g(f(x))`

The count function counts the number of true values.

How many unique athletes are there?

unique(df.ID) |> length

The unique operation has extra methods defined for DataFrames. We can get the athlete data like so:

athlete_df = unique(df, :ID)
135571×15 DataFrame
135546 rows omitted
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing
22A LamusiM2317060.0ChinaCHN2012 Summer2012SummerLondonJudoJudo Men's Extra-Lightweightmissing
33Gunnar Nielsen AabyM24missingmissingDenmarkDEN1920 Summer1920SummerAntwerpenFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
44Edgar Lindenau AabyeM34missingmissingDenmark/SwedenDEN1900 Summer1900SummerParisTug-Of-WarTug-Of-War Men's Tug-Of-WarGold
55Christine Jacoba AaftinkF2118582.0NetherlandsNED1988 Winter1988WinterCalgarySpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Women's 500 metresmissing
66Per Knut AalandM3118875.0United StatesUSA1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleCross Country SkiingCross Country Skiing Men's 10 kilometresmissing
77John AalbergM3118372.0United StatesUSA1992 Winter1992WinterAlbertvilleCross Country SkiingCross Country Skiing Men's 10 kilometresmissing
88Cornelia "Cor" Aalten (-Strannood)F18168missingNetherlandsNED1932 Summer1932SummerLos AngelesAthleticsAthletics Women's 100 metresmissing
99Antti Sami AaltoM2618696.0FinlandFIN2002 Winter2002WinterSalt Lake CityIce HockeyIce Hockey Men's Ice Hockeymissing
1010Einar Ferdinand "Einari" AaltoM26missingmissingFinlandFIN1952 Summer1952SummerHelsinkiSwimmingSwimming Men's 400 metres Freestylemissing
1111Jorma Ilmari AaltoM2218276.5FinlandFIN1980 Winter1980WinterLake PlacidCross Country SkiingCross Country Skiing Men's 30 kilometresmissing
1212Jyri Tapani AaltoM3117270.0FinlandFIN2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyBadmintonBadminton Men's Singlesmissing
1313Minna Maarit AaltoF3015955.5FinlandFIN1996 Summer1996SummerAtlantaSailingSailing Women's Windsurfermissing
135560135560Stavroula ZygouriF3617163.0GreeceGRE2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaWrestlingWrestling Women's Middleweight, Freestylemissing
135561135561Frantiek ZykaM26missingmissingCzechoslovakiaTCH1928 Summer1928SummerAmsterdamAthleticsAthletics Men's Marathonmissing
135562135562Milan ZykaM2417368.0CzechoslovakiaTCH1972 Summer1972SummerMunichCyclingCycling Men's Team Pursuit, 4,000 metresmissing
135563135563Olesya Nikolayevna ZykinaF1917164.0RussiaRUS2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyAthleticsAthletics Women's 4 x 400 metres RelayBronze
135564135564Yevgeny Aleksandrovich ZykovM2217265.0Russia-1RUS2002 Winter2002WinterSalt Lake CityLugeLuge Mixed (Men)'s Doublesmissing
135565135565Fernando scar ZylberbergM2316876.0ArgentinaARG2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyHockeyHockey Men's Hockeymissing
135566135566James Francis "Jim" ZylkerM2117575.0United StatesUSA1972 Summer1972SummerMunichFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
135567135567Aleksandr Viktorovich ZyuzinM2418372.0RussiaRUS2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyRowingRowing Men's Lightweight Coxless Foursmissing
135568135568Olga Igorevna ZyuzkovaF3317169.0BelarusBLR2016 Summer2016SummerRio de JaneiroBasketballBasketball Women's Basketballmissing
135569135569Andrzej yaM2917989.0Poland-1POL1976 Winter1976WinterInnsbruckLugeLuge Mixed (Men)'s Doublesmissing
135570135570Piotr yaM2717659.0PolandPOL2014 Winter2014WinterSochiSki JumpingSki Jumping Men's Large Hill, Individualmissing
135571135571Tomasz Ireneusz yaM3018596.0PolandPOL1998 Winter1998WinterNaganoBobsleighBobsleigh Men's Fourmissing

It keeps all columns of the first row containing each distinct ID, which will we take as representative (for their Sex, Height, Weight, etc).

Simple analysis

Now we are becoming familiar with the dataset, we might like to see what insights we can gain. For example, let's see how many men and women have competed.

count(==("M"), athlete_df.Sex)  # `==(x)` creates a function `y -> y == x`
count(==("F"), athlete_df.Sex)

The count function is useful, but this gets tiresome for many "groups" of data. The SplitApplyCombine.jl package contains useful functions for grouping data.

using SplitApplyCombine

2-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{String1, Int64}
 String1("M") │ 101590
 String1("F") │ 33981

Which allows us to explore larger sets of groupings:

# How many athletes by country
team_sizes = groupcount(athlete_df.Team)
1013-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{String, Int64}
          "China" │ 2589
        "Denmark" │ 1840
 "Denmark/Sweden" │ 5
    "Netherlands" │ 2849
  "United States" │ 9051
        "Finland" │ 2271
         "Norway" │ 2029
        "Romania" │ 1735
        "Estonia" │ 336
         "France" │ 5717
                ⋮ │ ⋮
       "Sjovinge" │ 2
    "Brandenburg" │ 1
        "Struten" │ 1
       "Freia-19" │ 1
   "Luxembourg-1" │ 1
      "Sea Dog-2" │ 2
          "Mainz" │ 1
        "Druzhba" │ 1
        "China-3" │ 2

One of the most powerful tricks in data analysis is to sort your data.

1013-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{String, Int64}
     "Nigeria-2" │ 1
 "Puerto Rico-2" │ 1
          "Lett" │ 1
       "Breslau" │ 1
  "Carabinier-5" │ 1
      "Evita VI" │ 1
      "Konstanz" │ 1
          "Nora" │ 1
          "Inca" │ 1
         "Snude" │ 1
               ⋮ │ ⋮
        "Sweden" │ 3598
     "Australia" │ 3731
         "Japan" │ 3990
       "Germany" │ 4318
        "Canada" │ 4504
         "Italy" │ 4650
 "Great Britain" │ 5706
        "France" │ 5717
 "United States" │ 9051

Note that groupcount is a specialization of the more flexible group(keys, values) function:

group(athlete_df.Team, athlete_df.Name)
1013-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{String, Vector{String}}
          "China" │ ["A Dijiang", "A Lamusi", "Abudoureheman", "Ai Linuer",
        "Denmark" │ ["Gunnar Nielsen Aaby", "Otto Mnsted Acthon", "Jesper A
 "Denmark/Sweden" │ ["Edgar Lindenau Aabye", "August Nilsson", "Gustaf Fred
rik …
    "Netherlands" │ ["Christine Jacoba Aaftink", "Cornelia \"Cor\" Aalten (
  "United States" │ ["Per Knut Aaland", "John Aalberg", "Stephen Anthony Ab
        "Finland" │ ["Antti Sami Aalto", "Einar Ferdinand \"Einari\" Aalto"
, "J…
         "Norway" │ ["Kjetil Andr Aamodt", "Ragnhild Margrethe Aamodt", "Fr
itz …
        "Romania" │ ["Andreea Aanei", "Andrei Abraham", "Elisabeta Abrudean
u", …
        "Estonia" │ ["Evald rma (rman-)", "Meelis Aasme", "Moonika Aava", "
         "France" │ ["Jamale (Djamel-) Aarrass (Ahrass-)", "Patrick Abada",
                ⋮ │ ⋮
       "Sjovinge" │ ["Christian Vinge", "Bengt Gran Waller"]
    "Brandenburg" │ ["Erik Johannes Peter Ernst von Holst"]
        "Struten" │ ["Knut Astrup Wang"]
       "Freia-19" │ ["Georges Camille Warenhorst"]
   "Luxembourg-1" │ ["Gza Wertheim"]
      "Sea Dog-2" │ ["Thomas Douglas Wynn Weston", "Joseph Warwick Wright"]
          "Mainz" │ ["Erich Wichmann-Harbeck"]
        "Druzhba" │ ["Valentin Alekseyevich Zamotaykin"]
        "China-3" │ ["Zhang Dan", "Zhang Hao"]

Rather than acting at the level of vectors, you can group an entire DataFrame into a GroupedDataFrame with the groupby function provided by DataFrames.jl:

gdf = groupby(athlete_df, :Team)

GroupedDataFrame with 1013 groups based on key: Team

First Group (2589 rows): Team = "China"
2564 rows omitted
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing
22A LamusiM2317060.0ChinaCHN2012 Summer2012SummerLondonJudoJudo Men's Extra-Lightweightmissing
3602AbudourehemanM2218275.0ChinaCHN2000 Summer2000SummerSydneyBoxingBoxing Men's Middleweightmissing
41463Ai LinuerM2516062.0ChinaCHN2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaWrestlingWrestling Men's Lightweight, Greco-Romanmissing
51464Ai YanhanF1416854.0ChinaCHN2016 Summer2016SummerRio de JaneiroSwimmingSwimming Women's 200 metres Freestylemissing
63605An WeijiangM2217872.0ChinaCHN2006 Winter2006WinterTorinoSpeed SkatingSpeed Skating Men's 500 metresmissing
73610An YulongM1917370.0ChinaCHN1998 Winter1998WinterNaganoShort Track Speed SkatingShort Track Speed Skating Men's 500 metresSilver
83611An ZhongxinF2317065.0ChinaCHN1996 Summer1996SummerAtlantaSoftballSoftball Women's SoftballSilver
94639Ao ChangrongM2517371.0ChinaCHN2008 Summer2008SummerBeijingHockeyHockey Men's Hockeymissing
104641Ao TegenM2118190.0ChinaCHN1996 Summer1996SummerAtlantaJudoJudo Men's Middleweightmissing
116376Ba DexinM2318580.0ChinaCHN2014 Winter2014WinterSochiCurlingCurling Men's Curlingmissing
126381Ba YanF2118378.0ChinaCHN1984 Summer1984SummerLos AngelesBasketballBasketball Women's BasketballBronze
136382Ba YanchuanM24187100.0ChinaCHN1996 Summer1996SummerAtlantaWrestlingWrestling Men's Heavyweight, Greco-Romanmissing
2578134870Zhu ZhifuM2517972.0ChinaCHN2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaRowingRowing Men's Lightweight Double Scullsmissing
2579134872Zhuang XiaoyanF2317398.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaJudoJudo Women's HeavyweightGold
2580134873Zhuang YongF1617268.0ChinaCHN1988 Summer1988SummerSeoulSwimmingSwimming Women's 100 metres FreestyleSilver
2581135230Zong XiangqingM2419372.0ChinaCHN1984 Summer1984SummerLos AngelesFencingFencing Men's epee, Individualmissing
2582135269Zou KaiM2015855.0ChinaCHN2008 Summer2008SummerBeijingGymnasticsGymnastics Men's Individual All-Aroundmissing
2583135270Zou ShimingM2316549.0ChinaCHN2004 Summer2004SummerAthinaBoxingBoxing Men's Light-FlyweightBronze
2584135271Zou SixinM2517876.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaAthleticsAthletics Men's Triple Jumpmissing
2585135272Zou WenzhiMmissingmissingmissingChinaCHN1948 Summer1948SummerLondonFootballFootball Men's Footballmissing
2586135273Zou YuchenM20203107.0ChinaCHN2016 Summer2016SummerRio de JaneiroBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing
2587135274Zou ZhenxianM2818472.0ChinaCHN1984 Summer1984SummerLos AngelesAthleticsAthletics Men's Triple Jumpmissing
2588135318Zu LijunM2618887.0ChinaCHN2016 Summer2016SummerRio de JaneiroSwimmingSwimming Men's 10 kilometres Open Watermissing
2589135445Zuo YueM2119288.0ChinaCHN1984 Summer1984SummerLos AngelesVolleyballVolleyball Men's Volleyballmissing

Last Group (2 rows): Team = "China-3"
1134439Zhang DanF1616748.0China-3CHN2002 Winter2002WinterSalt Lake CityFigure SkatingFigure Skating Mixed Pairsmissing
2134461Zhang HaoM1718172.0China-3CHN2002 Winter2002WinterSalt Lake CityFigure SkatingFigure Skating Mixed Pairsmissing

You can apply an operation to each group and bring the data together into a single DataFrame via the combine function.

combine(gdf, nrow => :Count)
1013×2 DataFrame
988 rows omitted
5United States9051
1002Trintel II1
1010Sea Dog-22

The nrow => :Count syntax is a convenience provided by Dataframes.jl. We'll explain how it works below.

Row- and column-based storage

What is a dataframe?

It is a data structure containing rows and columns. Internally it keeps each column of data as its own vector, which you can access as a property with .

135571-element Vector{Union{Missing, Int64}}:

To construct a row, you need to grab the corresponding element from each vector.

DataFrameRow (15 columns)
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing

Or, you can use 2D indexing, as before

df[1, :]
DataFrameRow (15 columns)
11A DijiangM2418080.0ChinaCHN1992 Summer1992SummerBarcelonaBasketballBasketball Men's Basketballmissing

In this case there are 15 columns, so the computer must fetch data from 15 different places. This means that, for dataframes, operating with columns is faster than with rows. DataFrames are specialized for whole-of-table analytics, where each individual step in your analysis probably only involves a small number of columns.

There are other data structures you can use which store the data as rows. Most SQL databases will store their data like this. Traditional "transactional" databases are typically driven with reads and writes to one (or a few) rows at a time, and row-based storage is more efficient for such workloads. Some of the modern "analytics" databses will use column-based storage.

In Julia, perhaps the simplest such data structure is a Vector of NamedTuples. We can create one straightforwardly from a CSV.File:

271116-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:ID, :Name, :Sex, :Age, :Height, :Weight,
 :Team, :NOC, :Games, :Year, :Season, :City, :Sport, :Event, :Medal)}}:
 (ID = 1, Name = "A Dijiang", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 24, Height = 180, W
eight = 80.0, Team = "China", NOC = String3("CHN"), Games = String15("1992 
Summer"), Year = 1992, Season = String7("Summer"), City = String31("Barcelo
na"), Sport = String31("Basketball"), Event = "Basketball Men's Basketball"
, Medal = missing)
 (ID = 2, Name = "A Lamusi", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 23, Height = 170, We
ight = 60.0, Team = "China", NOC = String3("CHN"), Games = String15("2012 S
ummer"), Year = 2012, Season = String7("Summer"), City = String31("London")
, Sport = String31("Judo"), Event = "Judo Men's Extra-Lightweight", Medal =
 (ID = 3, Name = "Gunnar Nielsen Aaby", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 24, Heigh
t = missing, Weight = missing, Team = "Denmark", NOC = String3("DEN"), Game
s = String15("1920 Summer"), Year = 1920, Season = String7("Summer"), City 
= String31("Antwerpen"), Sport = String31("Football"), Event = "Football Me
n's Football", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 4, Name = "Edgar Lindenau Aabye", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 34, Heig
ht = missing, Weight = missing, Team = "Denmark/Sweden", NOC = String3("DEN
"), Games = String15("1900 Summer"), Year = 1900, Season = String7("Summer"
), City = String31("Paris"), Sport = String31("Tug-Of-War"), Event = "Tug-O
f-War Men's Tug-Of-War", Medal = String7("Gold"))
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 21, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1988 Winter"), Year = 1988, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Calgary"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Speed 
Skating Women's 500 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 21, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1988 Winter"), Year = 1988, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Calgary"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Speed 
Skating Women's 1,000 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 25, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1992 Winter"), Year = 1992, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Albertville"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Sp
eed Skating Women's 500 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 25, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1992 Winter"), Year = 1992, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Albertville"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Sp
eed Skating Women's 1,000 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 27, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1994 Winter"), Year = 1994, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Lillehammer"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Sp
eed Skating Women's 500 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 5, Name = "Christine Jacoba Aaftink", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 27, 
Height = 185, Weight = 82.0, Team = "Netherlands", NOC = String3("NED"), Ga
mes = String15("1994 Winter"), Year = 1994, Season = String7("Winter"), Cit
y = String31("Lillehammer"), Sport = String31("Speed Skating"), Event = "Sp
eed Skating Women's 1,000 metres", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135566, Name = "James Francis \"Jim\" Zylker", Sex = String1("M"), A
ge = 21, Height = 175, Weight = 75.0, Team = "United States", NOC = String3
("USA"), Games = String15("1972 Summer"), Year = 1972, Season = String7("Su
mmer"), City = String31("Munich"), Sport = String31("Football"), Event = "F
ootball Men's Football", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135567, Name = "Aleksandr Viktorovich Zyuzin", Sex = String1("M"), A
ge = 24, Height = 183, Weight = 72.0, Team = "Russia", NOC = String3("RUS")
, Games = String15("2000 Summer"), Year = 2000, Season = String7("Summer"),
 City = String31("Sydney"), Sport = String31("Rowing"), Event = "Rowing Men
's Lightweight Coxless Fours", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135567, Name = "Aleksandr Viktorovich Zyuzin", Sex = String1("M"), A
ge = 28, Height = 183, Weight = 72.0, Team = "Russia", NOC = String3("RUS")
, Games = String15("2004 Summer"), Year = 2004, Season = String7("Summer"),
 City = String31("Athina"), Sport = String31("Rowing"), Event = "Rowing Men
's Lightweight Coxless Fours", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135568, Name = "Olga Igorevna Zyuzkova", Sex = String1("F"), Age = 3
3, Height = 171, Weight = 69.0, Team = "Belarus", NOC = String3("BLR"), Gam
es = String15("2016 Summer"), Year = 2016, Season = String7("Summer"), City
 = String31("Rio de Janeiro"), Sport = String31("Basketball"), Event = "Bas
ketball Women's Basketball", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135569, Name = "Andrzej ya", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 29, Height = 
179, Weight = 89.0, Team = "Poland-1", NOC = String3("POL"), Games = String
15("1976 Winter"), Year = 1976, Season = String7("Winter"), City = String31
("Innsbruck"), Sport = String31("Luge"), Event = "Luge Mixed (Men)'s Double
s", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135570, Name = "Piotr ya", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 27, Height = 17
6, Weight = 59.0, Team = "Poland", NOC = String3("POL"), Games = String15("
2014 Winter"), Year = 2014, Season = String7("Winter"), City = String31("So
chi"), Sport = String31("Ski Jumping"), Event = "Ski Jumping Men's Large Hi
ll, Individual", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135570, Name = "Piotr ya", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 27, Height = 17
6, Weight = 59.0, Team = "Poland", NOC = String3("POL"), Games = String15("
2014 Winter"), Year = 2014, Season = String7("Winter"), City = String31("So
chi"), Sport = String31("Ski Jumping"), Event = "Ski Jumping Men's Large Hi
ll, Team", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135571, Name = "Tomasz Ireneusz ya", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 30, H
eight = 185, Weight = 96.0, Team = "Poland", NOC = String3("POL"), Games = 
String15("1998 Winter"), Year = 1998, Season = String7("Winter"), City = St
ring31("Nagano"), Sport = String31("Bobsleigh"), Event = "Bobsleigh Men's F
our", Medal = missing)
 (ID = 135571, Name = "Tomasz Ireneusz ya", Sex = String1("M"), Age = 34, H
eight = 185, Weight = 96.0, Team = "Poland", NOC = String3("POL"), Games = 
String15("2002 Winter"), Year = 2002, Season = String7("Winter"), City = St
ring31("Salt Lake City"), Sport = String31("Bobsleigh"), Event = "Bobsleigh
 Men's Four", Medal = missing)

The above constructs a NamedTuple for each row of the CSV file and and returns it as a Vector.

This is a great data structure that you can use "out of the box" with no packages, and your "everyday" analysis work will usually be fast so long as you do not have many, many columns.

If you want to use an identical interface with row-based storage, there is the TypedTables package. In this package, a Table is an AbstractArray{<:NamedTuple}, each column is stored as its own vector, and when you index the table table[i] it assembles the row as a NamedTuple for you.

using TypedTables
Table with 15 columns and 271116 rows:
      ID  Name                  Sex  Age  Height   Weight   Team           
 1  │ 1   A Dijiang             M    24   180      80.0     China          
 2  │ 2   A Lamusi              M    23   170      60.0     China          
 3  │ 3   Gunnar Nielsen Aaby   M    24   missing  missing  Denmark        
 4  │ 4   Edgar Lindenau Aabye  M    34   missing  missing  Denmark/Sweden 
 5  │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    21   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 6  │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    21   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 7  │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    25   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 8  │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    25   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 9  │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    27   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 10 │ 5   Christine Jacoba Aa…  F    27   185      82.0     Netherlands    
 11 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    31   188      75.0     United States  
 12 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    31   188      75.0     United States  
 13 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    31   188      75.0     United States  
 14 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    31   188      75.0     United States  
 15 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    33   188      75.0     United States  
 16 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    33   188      75.0     United States  
 17 │ 6   Per Knut Aaland       M    33   188      75.0     United States  
 ⋮  │ ⋮            ⋮             ⋮    ⋮      ⋮        ⋮           ⋮        

Sometimes plain vectors or (typed) tables may be more convenient or faster than dataframes, and sometimes dataframes will be more convenient and faster than plain vectors or typed tables. Another popular approach is to use Query.jl. For your assessment you may use whichever approach you like best.


For now we will double-down on DataFrames.jl.

Here is a nice cheatsheet for the syntax of DataFrames, and I recommend downloading and possibly even printing it out for your convenience.

Constructing dataframes

A DataFrame can be constructed directly from data columns.

df = DataFrame(a = [1, 2, 3], b = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0])
3×2 DataFrame

You can get or set columns to the dataframe with . property syntax.

3-element Vector{Int64}:
df.c = ["A", "B", "C"]
3×3 DataFrame

Indexing dataframes

A dataframe is indexed a bit like a 2D matrix - the first index is the row and the second is the column.

df[1, :c]

The :c here is a Symbol, which is a kind of "compiler string". The compiler stores the names of your types, fields, variables, modules and functions as Symbol. In fact, the syntax df.c is just sugar for getproperty(df, :c). You can get multiple rows and/or columns.

df[1, :]
DataFrameRow (3 columns)
df[:, :c]
3-element Vector{String}:
df[1:2, [:a, :c]]
2×2 DataFrame

Filtering dataframes

The filter function returns a collection where the elements satisfy some predicate function (i.e. a function that returns a Bool). We can grab just the odd-numbered rows from df by running filter over each row.

filter(row -> isodd(row.a), df)
2×3 DataFrame

Unfortunately, in this case this is quite inefficient. For each row the program must

  1. construct a DataFrameRow

  2. access the a field dynamically

  3. compute isodd

This is slower than we'd like because the compiler doesn't really know what columns are in a DataFrame (or a DataFrameRow) and what type they may be. Every time we do step 2 there is a lot of overhead.

To fix this problem DataFrames.jl introduced special syntax of the form:

filter(:a => isodd, df)
2×3 DataFrame

This will automatically extract the :a column just once and use it to construct a fast & fully compiled predicate function. Another way to think about how this works is via indexing:

df[isodd.(df.a), :]
2×3 DataFrame

So first we find:

3-element BitVector:

And afterwards we take a subset of the rows.

df[[1,3], :]
2×3 DataFrame

select and transform

You can grab one-or-more columns via select:

select(df, [:a, :c])
3×2 DataFrame

The columns can be modified or even renamed as a part of this process. This is more useful with transform, which keeps the existing columns and lets you add new ones:

using Statistics
transform(df, :b => mean => :mean_b)
3×4 DataFrame

You can read this as "take column b, do mean on it, and put the result in column mean_b". A new dataframe is constructed, and df is unmodified.

Note that the transformation applies to whole columns. If you want to transform just a single row at a time, wrap the function in a ByRow.

transform!(df, :a => ByRow(isodd) => :a_isodd, :c => ByRow(lowercase) => :c_lowercase)
3×5 DataFrame

Here we used transform! (note the !) which mutates df.

groupby and combine

The groupby function will group a DataFrame into a collection of SubDataFrames:

gdf = groupby(df, :a_isodd)

GroupedDataFrame with 2 groups based on key: a_isodd

First Group (1 row): a_isodd = false

Last Group (2 rows): a_isodd = true

You can combine these together by applying a bulk transformation to each group

combine(gdf, :b => sum, :c => join)
2×3 DataFrame

This is known as the split-apply-combine strategy, and the pattern comes up frequently.


We won't use this a lot in this course, but you can perform a relational join between dataframes with the innerjoin function. (Note that the join function is for joining strings together into longer strings)

names_df = DataFrame(ID = [1, 2, 3], Name = ["John Doe", "Jane Doe", "Joe Blogs"])
3×2 DataFrame
11John Doe
22Jane Doe
33Joe Blogs
jobs = DataFrame(ID = [1, 2, 4], Job = ["Lawyer", "Doctor", "Farmer"])
3×2 DataFrame
DataFrames.innerjoin(names_df, jobs; on = :ID)
2×3 DataFrame
11John DoeLawyer
22Jane DoeDoctor

Only rows with matching :IDs are kept.

More analysis

Now that we know a little bit more about the tools, let's use them to see what insights we can glean from our Olympic athlete data.

Athlete height

We can see that, on average, male competitors are taller than female competitors.

mean(athlete_df.Height[athlete_df.Sex .== "M"])

Oops. Not all athletes have a Height attribute.

mean(skipmissing(athlete_df.Height[athlete_df.Sex .== "M"]))
mean(skipmissing(athlete_df.Height[athlete_df.Sex .== "F"]))

The males are a bit more than 10cm taller, on average.

OK, now let's perform a slightly more complex analysis. We will answer the question - has athlete height has changed over time? What do you think?

We can plot the average height as a function of Year. To see how to do that, first we'll repeat the above using the tools of DataFrames.jl:

athlete_by_gender = groupby(athlete_df, :Sex)
combine(athlete_by_gender, :Height => mean  skipmissing => :Height)
2×2 DataFrame

Given that, it's pretty straightforward to do this as a function of year.

using Plots
athlete_by_year = groupby(athlete_df, :Year)
height_by_year = combine(athlete_by_year, :Height => mean  skipmissing => :Height)
plot(height_by_year.Year, height_by_year.Height, ylim = [155, 182]; ylabel = "Height (cm)", xlabel = "Year", legend = false)

This doesn't show anything interesting. Yet. There are a few confounding factors to eliminate first.

First, there is something going on strange with the years, which started at 4-year increments and changed to 2-year increments. This is due to Winter Olympics moving to a different year to the Summer Olympics in 1994.

athlete_by_games = groupby(athlete_df, [:Year, :Season])
height_by_games = combine(athlete_by_games, :Height => mean  skipmissing => :Height)
plot(height_by_games.Year, height_by_games.Height, ylim = [155, 182]; ylabel = "Height (cm)", xlabel = "Year", group = height_by_games.Season, legend = :bottomright)

The type of sport might affect the height of the competitors (think basketball players vs jockeys) so it's good to split these groups. Here it seems that winter competitors are slightly shorter than summer competitors.

The second confounding factor is that women have increasingly became a larger fraction of the competitors at the Olympics, so we will split also by gender.

athlete_by_cohort = groupby(athlete_df, [:Year, :Season, :Sex])
height_by_cohort = combine(athlete_by_cohort, :Height => mean  skipmissing => :Height)
plot(height_by_cohort.Year, height_by_cohort.Height, ylim = [155, 182]; ylabel = "Height (cm)", xlabel = "Year", group = tuple.(height_by_cohort.Season, height_by_cohort.Sex), legend = :bottomright)

Whoa! Now we clearly see that heights have trended up at least 5cm since 1900!

What's going on here? I suspect it is a combination of several facts:

  1. On average, people born before the end of World War 2 were shorter, due to nutritional changes.

  2. Sport has become more elite and competitive over the years, and height may correlate with success in many Olympic sports.

  3. Women competitors have become more prevalent over time, reducing the average height of all competitors.

  4. Similarly, winter competitors may have become more prevalent over time, who appear to be shorter than the summer cohorts.

We can easily verify #3 above.

gender_by_games = combine(athlete_by_games, :Sex => (s -> count(==("F"), s) / length(s)) => :Fraction_Female)
plot(gender_by_games.Year, gender_by_games.Fraction_Female, ylim = [0, 1]; ylabel = "Fraction female", xlabel = "Year", group = gender_by_games.Season, legend = :topright)

Note that we could have given up our analysis with the first plot, above, and arrived at completely the wrong conclusion!

Having these tools under your belt is a very useful skill. It is quite common that you need to have the skills to dig under the surface to get a correct understanding of data. It is just as useful to debunk a myth or assumption as it is to find a hitherto unknown correlation.


These are just the means, we can also compare the statistic distribution (for the 2016 games, say):

histogram(collect(skipmissing(athlete_by_cohort[(2016, "Summer", "M")].Height)), xlabel = "Height (cm)", opacity = 0.5, label = "Male")
histogram!(collect(skipmissing(athlete_by_cohort[(2016, "Summer", "F")].Height)), opacity = 0.5, label = "Female")

The histogram function is useful for identifying features of distributions (e.g. if it is bimodal).

Further questions

We could analyse this data another hundred ways. Some questions that come to mind are:

  • How does team success relate to socioeconomic indicators of their home country, such as GDP per capita? Do richer countries do comparatively better than poorer countries? To do this, we would need to join the data with country data.

  • Does team success depend on the distance between the host of the Olympics and the home nation? For example, Australia received a lot of medals during the Sydney 2000 Olympics.

  • Can we predict how well a team will do at a given Olympics, based on data like above? This is heading in the direction of machine learning, which will cover next.

Memory management

Generally, when we deal with data we have three rough "sizes" to worry about.

  1. Small data: data fits in RAM. Just load it up and process it all at once. We are doing this in this course.

  2. Medium data: data is too big for RAM, but it fits on disk. Incrementally load "chunks" from disk, save the results, and load the next chunk, etc - known as "out-of-core" processing. Multiple such steps might be required in a "pipeline". Reading and writing to disk is slower than RAM, and processing might take so long that restarting from scratch (after a fault or power blackout, for example) is not realistic, so you generally need to be able to save and restore your intermediate state, or update your data incrementally. A typical SQL database is in this category, handling the persistence, fault-tolerance and pipelining for you automatically.

  3. Big data: data is too big to fit on the hard drive of a single computer. Generally requires a distributed solution for both storage and processing. At this scale, it is "business as usual" for computers to die and hard drives or RAM to corrupt, and you can't have your multi-million-dollar operation brought down by a single rogue bitflip. These days it is common and convenient to use cloud services for these situations - like those provided by Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) or Google (GCP).

The boundaries between these regimes depends on your computer hardware. As you get step up, the complexity increases rapidly, especially with respect to fault tolerance.

At my previous job with Fugro we processed petabytes of LiDAR, imagery and positioning data to create a 3D model of the world. We used AWS to store and index the data, as well as process it. The effort in "data engineering" was as much as was required in the "data science". Generally, it pays to have your data sorted out before attempting any higher-order analytics at scale (such as machine learning, below).

We'll go to the REPL for a practical demonstration of out-of-core techniques.